6 No one controls your money. So if regular money is controlled by governments and banks who controls crypto well the beauty of crypto is it's controlled by nobody and everybody at the same time let's take bitcoin for example the code is stored in thousands of nodes that means the computers of tens of thousands of people who voluntarily run bitcoin software on their computers there's no central authority or mastermind behind it all users effectively retain control and it's in everyone's interest to keep the network active and healthy and running it this way has all kinds of advantages over banks like banks are only open business hours of the country they're based in. Blockchain functions non-stop and bank payments can take up to 48 hours to clear bitcoin transactions take between 15minutes to an hour. 7 The best security on the market. So if there's no big powerful institution monitoring it is it safe the answer is a definite yes it's got the best security out there and that's down to the way the information is stored anytime a transaction takes place and digital money gets handed over to a new user that gets recorded permanently and it can’t be erased even after it's changed hands and remember the data is stored bytes of thousands of users unlike a bank which has one central database if one user has an error or if anyone tries to tamper within formation the other tens of thousands will cross-reference each other and correct it and the bigger the network the more secure it is and in the case of bitcoin that's big so you can count on it being secure.