⚜️ HOW TO MAKE MONEY FROM SPOTIFY - UP TO 2K$ PER MONTH ⚜️ Requirements: Songs that you own and can publish (see below) Album cover Distributor, who publishes your songs Streams, Saves, Follower Where to get a Song? You can create it, which might seem a bit complicated at first, or you can find a seller on the forums. Album cover? To create an album cover use the free service Canva or Photoshop if you have the skills.=. All you have to do is choose a design and add the name and the title of the album. https://www.canva.com/ Distributor? Now for the most important: Where do you get the streams from? There are different types of streams, we distinguish between "Tier 1 countries" like the USA, UK, Germany, etc., furthermore, it makes a difference if they are premium or free streams. For every 1000 premium streams, you get between 3$ and 5$, for free streams about 1.50$. Since many (forum) providers are expensive and it doesn't pay off to use a bot including accounts and proxies, I use a cheap panel. https://justanotherpanel.com/ For about 0.5$ you get 1000 USA Premium Streams. You could also use a bot or a service that some nulled members sell. Spotify pays you up to $ 4 per 1k stream Notes Per song you have published you can expect about 1000 streams per day > More songs, more streams! Mixes Premium and Free Streams! Album Saves and Follower make your account look more real Releases new albums over time As mentioned before you have to pay the first 2 months in advance, from then on you can reinvest and keep the profit.