Peace is something that the whole world wants to achieve and it is something that everybody wants to live with. This is a fact, but the truth is that people still don't know what it really means to be at peace and how to achieve that peace. They go about it in the wrong way. I see this almost everyday in my life and I always try to tell people the truth but they always seem to turn me down. Let me break down what I am talking about. In the world today, people think that the way to achieve peace is by everybody doing the right thing but ironically, that is not the case and people just don't understand it. The truth is that human beings are not perfect and that is why they are called human beings. In this case there is no way everybody is going to be doing the right thing. All we do in this world is just trying to do the right thing but at some times we all mess it up and do the wrong thing in other words we make mistakes. Most people tend to get offended and get angry because others who they are relating with and who they are expecting to do something failed them. THIS IS NO WAY TO ACHIEVE PEACE. So the question is how can peace be achieved. Here is the answer. To achieve peace, we all must be ready to endure and sacrifice. I mean this should be part of our life and we have live it as a way of life and not take credit for any of that. That is exactly how life is supposed to work. A life of expectation does not lead to peace because human beings are imperfect but a life of sacrifice, let go and endurance, leads to peace. I will repeat that word. LET GO! Let go off emotions let go off hatred let go off worries, or better still, don't even let it bother you in the first place.