The movie begins with Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan together in a bedroom trying to make a sex tape. But to be honest, that does not look like sex at all. This is of course where the comedy starts. They are bouncing here and there. They are riding around on the floor playing horse. Then in the middle of this, Charlie gets lifted up by paranormal forces. like they do in paranormal activity. So here we know that it is going to be a parody of Paranormal activity. He get throven in to what's looks like a tv or a painting and then the movie logo comes up. We are only 4 minutes in and you will never see Charlie Sheen in this movie again. This made my and my team mad when we realised this. Because if you look on the movie cover you will see that they put Charlie in the front to make him look like they main character. But he is not. The two main characters are Dan (Simon Rex) and Jody (Ashley Tisdale). But only Jody of those two are actually on it. Now after the introduction you will see 2 guys walking in the woods. Mac Miller and Snoop Dogg. Here starts a parody of another movie named The cabin in the woods. So Snoop Dogg and Mac Miller finds a cabin in the woods. Snoop Dogg wants to visit this cabin but Mac Miller doesn't want to. But they decides to go and visit the cabin. They see 2 kids running around and they start a gun fight. Then Snoop Dogg realises that the 2 childrens may be the two lost kids. So they bring the children to the city and they get a shit ton of money. They decides to buy a Big boat, bitches and a shark. Why you may ask. Well it's a comedy. The story continues and you will see the main character Jody sitting on a toilet and doing a pregnant test. Jody doesn't want to have kids, so she get's really happy when she find's out that she aren't pregnant. But guess what. Jody lives with a guy named Dan and what's the thing about him? Well he is uncle to the 2 kids that were lost. The kids dad were Charlie Sheens, but he died in the beginning of the movie. So Dan is there only family. Which means that he is going to take care of them. This doesn't makes Jody happy but she has to live with this. So they can only take care of this kids if they live in a special house. They agree with this and they move in. Now paranormal things starts to happend. And now were at a sleeping seen and they discuss about the day. Dan starts to talk about a ballet doll that one of the kids has. Then Jody gets a flash back of how she was born. This scene is just disgusting. After that she decides to give ballet a chanse. This part about the ballet is a parody of the movie Black swan. When she get's home the whole house is destroyed except the kids room. Jody starts to blame the kids for vandalizing the house. One of the kids start to talk about a thing called "Mama" So this Mama thing is actually also a parody of the movie Mama. Of course Jody doesn't belive them. But she has a creepy feeling in her stomic. Dan then decides to put up cameras all over the house. More creepy things start to happend and now comes some minutes of things that aren't important for the story but they are needed to make a good movie. Now we are at a part in the movie when one of the girls says that this Mama thing talks with the girls in their dreams. Jody want's to know what the girls are dreaming so she calls a dream expert. He comes over and he have his incredible device that let's them see the girls dreams. They see a cabin in the woods. That's most likely the whole dream. The day after, Jody are watching some tv and she sees the same cabin in the woods that were in the girls dreams. and she decides to go visit this house. She arrives to the house and in this house there are some jehovas people. She ignores them and goes down into the celler. She was looking for the book of evil. She starts to read and then the people on the upper floor transforms into something wierd. This part is suposed to be a parody of Evil dead. Jody exits through a dorr in the celler and she goes home. Dan is working at a laboratory trying to make monkeys smart. but one they Dan accidentally let's all the apes goe free. this part is a parody of Rise of the planet of the apes. So Dan decides to take care of one ape that he have been experimenting with alot. He bring this monkey to his home. This night this monkey is on the toilet doing the normal toilet stuff and also reading a book. He comes accross a page of a blueprint of a cliff. Now some more creepy things starts to happend and the ape is trying to save the kids from Mama. He succeed with this, but when Dan and Jody sees this they think that this ape are going to kill the baby. So they call someone to take the ape away from there. Now the hero is gone and Jody finds something. She finds the book that the ape was reading, she sees the cliff and she recognise it from the girls dream. She get's really afraid. She hears the kids screaming and she runs to them. Then Mama comes to take the kids. Mama succeeds with this and Mama is going to the cliff with the kids.Mama are going to sacrifice the kids but she doesn't succeed because Dan and Jody are comming to save the day. Jody tryes to read from the book but it doesnät help. So she just slams the book in Mamas face and Mama falls from the cliff. She lands in a pool on a big boat. Remember Snoop Dogg's things he was going to buy? Exactly she landed in 'snoop Dogg's boat. But what was it more on Snoop Dogg's list of thing to buy? yes a shark. And Guess what, the shark kills Mama and Snoop Dogg says "Told ya that shark would be needed". After that we will see a scen from a changing room. Jody is standing their and she says that the family always comes first. So Jody learned to love the kids that she didn't wanna have.