24 year old teacher facing jail term reveals the seductive pic she sent a 17 year old boy & how they had car sex almost everyday A disgraced substitute teacher, Mary Beth Haglin, 24, who faces up to two years in jail after she was caught having an affair with her 17 year old student has revealed the sexy picture she sent to the lad to lure him. Read the story here According to Haglin, she had sex with the student of George Washington High School almost everyday in the car and felt like she was in a 'real relationship for six months with him before another student saw him. Speaking with Inside Edition ,Mary Haglin revealed that the boy compared their relationship to Oscar-winning movie The Graduate (1967) – in which Dustin Hoffman’s character is seduced by older woman Mrs Robinson. She said: “I was completely head over heels. He would come into my classroom, grab a Post-It, write something and stick it to my desk on his way out. One read, ‘I love you so much, my empress.’ In return for the notes she sent the boy sexy pictures showing her posing in racy underwear. She said: “We met several times a week, not every time was just to have sex. There were times we would sit and talk. I thought in my mind this was some sort of real relationship.” While the age of consent in Iowa is 16, Haglin was charged because she was in a position of authority. She now admits she made a “terrible mistake”. She said: “I realise how stupid I was and what a terrible mistake I made. I thought that it was something that could be kept secret and that nobody would ever know." I want to go back and smack myself and ask: 'What were you thinking Mary Beth ? I never thought it would get this far and I apologise to each and every person I hurt.” More photos of Mary Haglin below ...