Mining Bitcoins without investment - how to start? Perhaps you are already familiar with different ways to earn Bitcoins , which I wrote before, but mining is the most profitable way to get Bitcoins. For effective ore mining, it was necessary to buy a rather expensive equipment, so a way to make Bitcoin has long been available only to a few. But everything flows, everything changes and now the case with Bitcoin Mining things a little differently. I want to share with every interesting way by which you can start mining Bitcoin is not investing a penny. This method can be applied on the site which occupies a leading position in the field of ore mining, cloud. On this service can be purchased gigaheshi, which will allow to receive Bitcoins. differs from other cloud services ore mining, the fact that you can buy for gigaheshi Bitcoins or other digital currency. But back to the title of this article. How can any of us start mining Bitcoin without putting anything at all? For this you need to go through several points (to go to the website and register, just click on the link): 1 - Register on the site Latium For a simple registration we will get 5 coins Latium. To do this, however you will need to download them to your wallet and order the payment via the menu Reports - Payments me . 2 - We exchange 5 Lat on Bitcoins. You can use a service like digital currency exchange or any exchange, for example, Coin-Swap 3 - Register on service cloud ore mining, and strengthening our balance sheet. 4 - Purchases for Bitcoins gigaheshi and all look how to grow our earnings Bitcoins. Few details If you use Exchange Coin-Swap, after the successful exchange of press and Withdrawal in the box that appears enter not my main bitcoin address, and one that you get to replenish the balance on In this way you will avoid additional losses. Check your bitcoin address to replenish the balance on you can menu Balance. Once you get Bitcoins go to the menu Trade, scroll down to the inscriptions Buy GHS. Click on the amount of your balance near this line and see how many you can buy gigaheshey. To do this, click Place Order, and after a while you get your first gigaheshi. You can also monitor the prices gigaheshi as they constantly rose and fell. After buying gigaheshey and they appear in the balance sheet is nothing else you need to do. You will immediately start to earn Bitcoins. After a few days or weeks, or you can bring your Bitcoins. or buy them even more power to earn even more. Wish you make a lot of Bitcoins