How to make money with Merchant Shares? They are offering and guaranteeing minimum 0.025% and maximum 2.25% daily. You will get daily profits untill your $20 turns into $30. They have 4 investment sectors and they share the profit with members: 1.Web Ads merchant shares web ads 2.Forex merchant shares forex trading 3.Commodities merchant shares commodities trading 4.Stocks merchant shares stocks trading You can choose whichever sector you want and you will be paid according to the daily profits of that sector. Here is the graphic for daily profits of the portfolio: merchant shares Other things to mention: There is compounding option to reinvest. There is 0.25% profit on weekends as there is no business in forex, commodities and stocks on those days. The payments are instant. They have 7 day refund policy. You can take your money back without a question in 7 days. You can only withdraw your profits to the same payment system that you deposited. We offer you to give 50% of the referral commission back on Merchant Shares. So, to take advantage of Earn With Me, register the site with the link below: