FORT FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD Registration number 126489 (Belize), Suite 5, Garde n City Plaza, Mountain View Boulevard, Belmopan, Belize, C .A., Tel. +41 225 017450, Email:, CITADEL OF TRADING Page | 1 Client Agreement 1. Parties to and Subject of Agreement 1.1. This Agreement is concluded between the brokerage c ompany Fort Financial Services Ltd. (hereafter – “the Company”) and an individual or a legal entity who intends to employ the Company’s services and communicates his/her/its pri mary personal data using the registration form on the web-site (hereafter – “the C ustomer”). 1.2. The subject of this Agreement is constituted by the Company’s services associated with the Customer’s trading activity on the world financial markets as well as services associated with mutual payments by the Parties, their rights and ob ligations. 1.3. The Customer agrees with all clauses of this docume nt and accepts them when registering his/her user account on the web-site fro m then on, this Agreement shall come into force. 2. Company’s Services 2.1. As part of this Agreement, the Company renders the following types of services: 2.1.1. Allows Customers to trade on the world financial m arkets using special software that provides access to engineering analysis tools and a uxiliary information meant to provide assistance and help in trading activity. 2.1.2. Enables communication with the Company’s customer support service or third party authorized to render services on behalf of the Comp any. 2.1.3. Organizes the Customer’s receiving of information a bout actual market quotations via individual trading platforms from the Company’s rep resentatives or authorized third party. 2.1.4. Renders consulting assistance to the Customer in te chnical and information issues during the entire period of use of the software provided b y the Company. 2.2. The Company reserves the right to introduce any cha nges and amendments to the list of Services mentioned in clause 2.1 of this Agreement. Introduced changes shall take effect after the Company notifies the Customer of such fact by a ny communication means specified in clause 5.1 of this Agreement. Besides, the Company reserves the right to apply clause 2.2 to new Services that may be added to those mentioned in clause 2.1 of this Agreement. 2.3. Trading terms, specifications, rules, and any other parameters and descriptions related to the Company's services and located the website of the C ompany are an integral part of this Agreement and may be changed without notice to Cust omer, unless otherwise indicated. 2.4. The Company primarily executes trading orders of th e Customer and neither renders nor carries out the services associated with trust mana gement and consulting activities in capital management. 2.5. Analytical materials and other information publishe d on the Company’s web-site should not be regarded as a guide for action. The Customer must b e aware of this, accept and take responsibility to make independent trading decision s. 2.6. The Customer realizes that any orders opened via tr ading platform shall be executed by the Company even if such actions may be unfavorable to the Customer. 2.7. Each financial instrument, used by the Customer to perform trading operations is recognized as a settlement instrument. The Customer is aware t hat electronic purchase or sale via the trading platform provided by the Company does not i mply physical delivery of currency or FORT FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD Registration number 126489 (Belize), Suite 5, Garde n City Plaza, Mountain View Boulevard, Belmopan, Belize, C .A., Tel. +41 225 017450, Email:, CITADEL OF TRADING Page | 2 asset mentioned in the contract. The Customer may l ook through his/her/its trading history immediately after closure of open transactions. 3. Representations and guarantees 3.1. The Customer guarantees careful reading and complet e acceptance of all clauses of this Agreement being aware that it determines conditions for his/her/its cooperation with the Company. 3.2. The Company bears no financial responsibility for t he results of the Customer’s trading transactions on the world financial markets. 3.3. The Company guarantees confidentiality of the Custo mer’s data used in operations with the Customer Trader’s Room, current account and trading accounts. The Customer holds an exclusive right to claim fulfillment of obligations on all transactions performed on his/her/its trading accounts. Rights and obligations mentioned in this Agreement shall not be assigned to or vested in another person under any circumstances . 3.4. The Customer as an individual guarantees his/her le gal capacity, being of legal age (according to the law of the Customer’s country of citizenship ) and the fact that he/she is neither a resident nor a citizen of the USA. The Customer as a legal entity also guarantees that the Authorized organization is legally capable and regi stered outside the territory of the USA. The Customer as a legal entity guarantees that the owne rs of such legal entity and persons entitled to accept this Agreement without being required to use a power of attorney issued by the legal entity are not residents or citizens of the U SA. 3.5. The Customer as an individual guarantees personal f illing-in of the registration form on the Company’s web-site. If the Customer is a legal enti ty, data shall be entered in the registration form by the authorized representative of the organi zation who holds an effective power of attorney for acceptance of this Agreement. 3.6. The Customer undertakes to protect confidentiality of information required to access the Trader’s Room and to his/her/its trading accounts. The Customer shall as soon as possible inform the Company about information theft or loss and in cases of treacherous access by the third parties. 3.7. All information that the Customer obtains from the Company via this Agreement, terminal mail or e-mail, telephone and online chat is provided fo r examination and personal trading, not for use in entrepreneurial activity or for transferring to the third parties in any form without written consent of the Company. In case of violatio n of this clause of the Agreement, the Customer understands and bears full responsibility for performed actions according to the effective legislation on protection of intellectual property and activity. 3.8. If the Customer’s trading account is not used for a period of 90 (ninety) calendar days, and the account balance is less than USD 5 or an equivalent of this sum, the account shall be archived with possible further reestablishment. 4. Rights and Liabilities of the Parties 4.1. The Customer is entitled to: 4.1.1. Perform transactions in the world financial market s by means of placing orders to the Company using a trading platform. 4.1.2. Contact and consult with the Company regarding quo tations. 4.1.3. Request any information concerning status of curre nt trading accounts of the Customer as long as technical capabilities for communication between the Customer and the Company are available.