And their impassioned minstrels outvie; Because this sacred morn for us doth shine. (Poor pilgrims wandering 'mid earth's gloom profound.) To us by the creating hand was given This dear memorial of creating love; This beacon lighted at the burning Throne, Piercing night's deepest shades, and scattering wide Celestial radiance on the darksome way. We will ascribe to God the glory due; Will honor him who sitteth on the throne, And will rejoice before him; for his name Is high exalted far above all gods. Honor and might and majesty are his. Creation bears his signature divine, And loud attests the greatness of his power. Ere ancient time his measured course began, When embryo earth appeared, formless and void, When silence reigned, and universal night Mantled the bosom of the mighty deep: Then went the mandate forth, th'omnific word, Borne on the breath of Deity afar, Traversed the echoing gloom; - nor void returned; Nature awoke, responsive to the call, And sprang to life in all her varied forms. And in th' approval of the smiling God, Exulting, her majestic course began. Six days the Almighty labored with his word; But now his labors ceased and heralded By the clear anthem of the "morning stars," Crowned with excessive glory, shone on high The first Sabbattic morn. To greet its dawn All heaven joined in univocal song; Mellifluous voices filled the balmy air, Accompanied by harps of sweetest note, Hymning the praises of creating love, And the bright glories of the day of rest. 32 Momentous day! its first observer, He, The high and lofty One, whose fearful name Gleams as a signet on its holy brow. Alone ordained and sanctified by Him, And with His blessing blest forevermore.