# Donate to 14LaojeCXkrQ19kYNSAp1qJT923gSQ6hH3 for more excellent programs import webbrowser import time import pyperclip import subprocess start = time.clock() import winsound, sys # Python version, 3.x def main(): print('This may slow down the computer for a bit, close any tabs for the time being.') print('Be sure you have a browser already up unless you want a ton of new windows.') input('Press enter when you are ready.') openbc = input('Is bitcoin open? >> ') if openbc == 'y': print('Okay, going on.') pass elif openbc == 'n': openbc1 = input('Do you want to open it >> ') if openbc1 == 'y': subprocess.Popen(r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Bitcoin\bitcoin-qt.exe") print('Opening... ') input('Press enter when bitcoin is up.') time.sleep(3) elif openbc1 == 'n': print('Okay, going on.') pass print('\nOpening faucets... ') url = 'http://www.canhasbitcoin.com/' webbrowser.open(url) url2 = 'http://www.faucetbtc.com/' webbrowser.open(url2) url3 = 'http://www.elbitcoingratis.es/' webbrowser.open(url3) url4 = 'http://www.btc4you.com/' webbrowser.open(url4) url5 = 'http://www.freebtc4all.com/' webbrowser.open(url5) url6 = 'http://www.virtualfaucet.com/' webbrowser.open(url6) url7 = 'http://www.thefreebitcoins.com/' webbrowser.open(url7) url8 = 'http://www.freebitcoins.me/' webbrowser.open(url8) url9 = 'http://www.thebitcoin.me/' webbrowser.open(url9) url10 = 'http://www.rawbitcoins.com/' webbrowser.open(url10) url11 = 'http://www.nioctib.net/' webbrowser.open(url11) url12 = 'http://www.greencoins.org/' webbrowser.open(url12) url13 = 'http://www.btcmine.net' webbrowser.open(url13) url14 = 'http://www.freebitcoinlottery.com/' webbrowser.open(url14) url15 = 'http://www.bitcats.net/' webbrowser.open(url15) url16 = 'http://www.bitcoinspain.net/' webbrowser.open(url16) url17 = 'http://www.bitcoins4free.me/' webbrowser.open(url17) url18 = 'http://www.freeBitcoins4U.com/' webbrowser.open(url18) url19 = 'http://www.fr33Bitcoins.com/' webbrowser.open(url19) url20 = 'http://www.bitcoins4.me/' webbrowser.open(url20) url21 = 'http://www.redcoins.co/' webbrowser.open(url21) url22 = 'http://dailybitcoins.org/index.php?rid=655550' webbrowser.open(url22) print('\nCopying faucet BTC address to clipboard.') # Replace [BTC Address] with yours pyperclip.copy('[BTC Address]') spam = pyperclip.paste() time.sleep(1) opendaily = input('Do you want to open the daily sites? >> ') if opendaily == 'y': url23 = 'http://www.bithits.info/' webbrowser.open(url23) url24 = 'http://boklund.nu/bunnyrun/' webbrowser.open(url24) url25 = 'https://freecoins.herokuapp.com/' webbrowser.open(url25) pass elif opendaily == 'n': pass openviewing = input('Do you want to open the viewing sites sites? >> ') if openviewing == 'y': url26 = 'http://earnfreebitcoins.com/' webbrowser.open(url26) url27 = 'http://www.bitvisitor.com/' webbrowser.open(url27) url28 = 'http://coinreaper.com/' webbrowser.open(url28) pass elif openviewing == 'n': pass print('\nDone.') elapsed = (time.clock() - start) print(elapsed) again = input('Do you want to do this again in 30 minutes? >> ') if again == 'y': print('Okay, you will be asked to confirm once 30 minutes is up.') print("You'll hear a beep when time is up. Beep is as follows.") time.sleep(5) winsound.Beep(584, 999) print('\nStarting time... ') time.sleep(1800) winsound.Beep(584, 999) areusure = input('Okay, 30 minutes is up, are you sure you want to it again? >> ') if areusure == 'y': main() elif areusure == 'n': input('Okay, press enter to exit.') elif again == 'n': input('Okay, press enter to exit.') main() # Donate to 14LaojeCXkrQ19kYNSAp1qJT923gSQ6hH3 for more excellent programs