The data proliferate and are increasingly accessible thanks to advanced technological solutions. The transformation of digital is proceeding briskly and invest in solutions that implement projects related to Big Data Analytics and to the Artificial Intelligence is just the first step for companies. What is needed is the rethinking of corporate structures, processes and competitive models. A revolution, therefore, of the economic and social scenario towards a system based on data, in which analyticsthey govern work, personal interactions and the user experience of commonly used products that become increasingly smart. A SAS survey has garnered the testimony of over 100 European companies from various industries to highlight the opinion of business leaders on Artificial Intelligence and its potential and to understand how they are preparing for future changes. You can access it at this link . analytics economyThe analytics revolution will lead us to a new context, in which information derived from data will increasingly constitute a value for the business. Companies will therefore have to invest in new technologies, but they will also have to adapt their strategies and methodologies, as well as comply with new regulations. We will talk about these issues (and much more) at the Milan and Rome event " Road to Artificial Intelligence"". On the occasion of the two Italian stages, the representatives of the major companies will meet in a round table moderated by Luca De Biase, Innovation Editor for Il Sole 24 Ore and Nova24, on their vision and how their companies are preparing to changes in place. At a time of democratization in the use of technology and access to data, the impact of regulations on the use of information deriving from analytics is particularly important. For this reason, the " Road to Artificial Intelligence " program includes a focus on the European legislation for the protection of personal data (GDPR).