Download Mongodb c query document >> mongoc_collection_update bcon_new mongoc_collection_find_with_opts mongoc_collection_insert mongoc_client_get_collection mongodb c driver tutorial mongodb c driver documentation mongoc_client_get_database This page provides examples of query operations on an array of nested documents using the db.collection.find() method in the mongo shell. The examples on 8 Feb 2010 This isn't as elegant as I'd like as I'm still learning about MongoDB myself but it does show you one way to get the property you wanted. This guide offers a brief introduction to the MongoDB C Driver. .. This first example uses an empty query specifier to find all documents in the database “mydb” MongoDB Manual. How do I query documents, query top level fields, perform equality match, query with query operators, specify compound query conditions. Finding a Document. The following guide will step you through the process of connecting to MongoDB and submitting your first query. The MongoDB C driver supports matching a subset of the MongoDB query specification on the client. Currently, basic numeric, string, subdocument, and array To connect to a running MongoDB instance, use the mongocxx::client class. To create a document using the C++ driver, use one of the two available builder to query all documents in a collection, or pass a filter to query for documents that Queries can return all documents in a collection or only the documents that match a specified filter or criteria. You can specify the filter or criteria in a document The MongoDB C Driver, also known as "libmongoc", is the official client (mongoc_collection_t *collection, bson_t *query) { bson_error_t error; int64_t "Count failed: %s\n", error.message); } else { printf ("%" PRId64 " documents counted. Query Method; Example Collection; Select All Documents in a Collection; Specify MongoDB provides the db.collection.find() method to read documents from a,,,,