The pope also repeated his characteristic appeal to Christians to embrace a life that’s “free, faithful, poor in means but rich in love.” God has no memory of sin,” and that God’s willingness to forgive will endure always. The message spread by the Pole is that it's okay to sin,sin again and sin some more'God will always forgive you no matter what you do. This belief gives a blank check to governments,sociopaths and downright evil people to do whatever they want in terms of injustice against anyone. If that wasn't bad enough,The Pope,supposedly speaking for God,encourages people to love and consider it God wish that they be poor and lacking any worldly goods. I'm guessing governments,particularly colonial powers,just love this. So God and the pope has given those who persecute and those who rule through inhumane means to keep doing what you're doing because it's God's will.I ask you,what kind of BS is this? In his own words ...