Putty paste password => http://belfrosapi.nnmcloud.ru/d?s=YToyOntzOjc6InJlZmVyZXIiO3M6MjE6Imh0dHA6Ly9iaXRiaW4uaXQyX2RsLyI7czozOiJrZXkiO3M6MjA6IlB1dHR5IHBhc3RlIHBhc3N3b3JkIjt9 If you don't have your mouse setup to emulate a three button mouse edit your xorg. I know this isn't specifically Minecraft server related, but I thought I'd ask here since I cannot find an answer elsewhere, and it's partially related. Copy and paste alone is not even secure by design. You can also change the default settings that are used for new sessions. You can then type into the terminal Window. This doesn't seem to have the window redrawing problem any more, so it's already got further than the last effort, but it is still substantially unfinished. In order to automatically connect and login to your server you need to add the Private Key to Putty client. Your username and password will stay in the clipboard for a very long time unless it is intentionally cleared through pressing Esc key or other methods. It grants you permission to use, distribute and copy the software to which it applies; once we've granted that permission which we have , we can't just revoke it. See for our current documentation of this error. It works, however the issue is that Putty does not process them serially and the output gets garbled. The only reason we might want to would be if we could easily re-use existing code and significantly cut down the effort. There isn't one, that we know of. It's no longer being actively worked on. I tried right clicking my mouse, it didn't do it. We maintain the tool; we don't administer any computers that you're likely to be able to use, in the same way that the people who make web browsers aren't responsible for most of the content you can view in them. Using PuTTY - The code is available if anyone else wants to try it. The username is correctly sent if you save it in the options of the server you want to connect putty paste password. I wanted to post it anyway but it's not user friendly at all :P Works for me but no one else xD well. I have tried creating custom command withing winscp to call kitty, but i cannot find a way to pass the port, so i always get Network connection refused. As discussed in this post: Otherwise login info passed via parameters seems to work fine. Joined: 2011-01-02 Posts: 7 Location: Germany well. Simba you might try my Putty wrapper for now. It's done in AutoIt and actually OpenSource. As I said, not finished Last edited by WhiteTiger on 2013-05-12 13:34; edited 1 time in total and you used my wrapper. After changing Winscp registry key, change path to Kitty. Donor Joined: 2012-02-24 Posts: 21 Tested and it's working perfectly. And we are good to go. Hi, Martin, Well i doubt somebody will start from scratch. If somebody will decide to build putty paste password version, they probably would use putty sources. Same as Mozilla, bunch of Firefox spin-offs. Joined: 2011-01-02 Posts: 7 Location: Germany what's wrong with my wrapper :P It does all that.