Okay lets start with the method, you may understand this eBook only shows how people are earning skins, not how YOU should earn skins. This method is grey/blackhat so I do not promote this method. You are doing this method and you understand you take full responsiblity of everything you do. Main Method So this is the main method of this eBook, you will find the 3 bonus methods at the end of the eBook! So what you need: 1. Domain & Hosting 2. New Steam Account (Or use existing one) So lets start with getting the domain & hosting. Domain means like google.​ com ​ or hackforums​ .net So domain is = .com or .net. Both .com and .net cost money, so thats where you need to investment but its optional! You can also go with a free domain which are: .tk , .ga and so on. Good places to get paid domains: godaddy.com namecheap.com Use google to find the best one for you. Best free domains: Dot.tk My.ga Okay once you have domain you need to get hosting too. I recommend free hosting since you dont really need paid hosting unless you get a lot of traffic to your site! Free hosting services: 000webhost.com Hostinger.com Again google for the best one for your needs. Paid hosting: Any, you should pick package which offers domain + hosting at the same time and namecheap.com offers hosting & domain package I’m pretty sure. You might wonder what kind of domain you need to have, it needs to be something CSGO jackpot releated like: CSGOExample.com CSGOTest.com.. You know what im talking about it needs to be CSGO*Something*.com/.net/.ga/.tk It needs to sound like a CSGO jackpot site. Dont make it too long. After you have your site working, you wonder what you do with your site? You’re gonna “run” a fake CS:GO jackpot site which looks like legit betting site with people betting. In reality there is no one betting. Example: You see people are betting but in reality no one is because the site is copied from another site. What you are gonna do: Go to any betting site which can be copied (you need to get the index.html) Upload the index file to your own site and then change everything where it says the site name.. change it to your own name example CSGOExample. Also you may see there is a sign in trought steam button and you need to configure it. If you dont know, just remove the button and replace it with “deposit” button. You can make the button by yourself or use something from Google. Just google “deposit button” You need to add trade offer link to the deposit button, if you dont know how to do that you should just google, its easy. When your site is configured, you need to advertise your site. And where you need another account is to get the “bot account” change bot name to YOURSITE.COM BOT #1 and then use its trade offer link. You also may thhink how can you auto-accept the offers, you can use Steam Bot you need to code it tho or you need someone to make it for you. Google Steam Bot for one. Or you can manually check offers, up to you. Where you can advertise: YouTube Twitter FaceBook Twitch Steam Forums … And so on! You decide. Or you can social engineer people which may be better.. how you can do that? You can add people and ask if they wanna team bet on this site and share earnings or come with your own social engineering. I dont suggest social engineering. Thank you for reading my eBook, if you need help check my UID from above of the eBook. AND THE BONUS METHODS.. (3) Hey here I will give out 3 bonus methods which you can try aswell! 1)Method Gambling on CSGODouble.com You know gambling is kind of risky and usually you end up losing. But here is a fun method you can try to make some extra bucks. Go to CSGODouble.com Deposit some skins or get free credits. The betting method you’re gonna do: You bet on the green color all the time when there is no greens on the past rolls you see under the roulette. You start betting on green when there is no greens, remember! If it hits green, it multiplies by 14 so you get massive profit. You can bet atleast 13 times to green and you still get profit! If you go higher than 14 then you will not get profit. Use small amount to start with! 2) Method Opening boosting service. This is a fun method if you enjoy playing CSGO or you’re good at it. You’re gonna open boost service on hackforums or any other forum (or just on Steam) And you’re gonna win games for people and they pay you. If you’re not good at CSGO (Above LEM) you should buy cheats and use only aim features so you dont get caught by overwatch. This is simple method, but may be little saturated. If you need help with this please contact me I will help you! 3) Method Skin buying & selling. You need investment to start with for sure and I suggest to have investment in BTC if you’re new member on HF. So what you do: You buy skins for 60-65% rate on HF and sell them 70-75% rate.. Depends! So the idea is you resell skins! This method takes a lot time but I included it on this third bonus method. After you buy skins from HF, you can sell them on: OPSkins.com Bitskins.com If you share/leak this community alert will be opened. I Will find out who leaked and who shared, so watch out. -- Thanks for reading --