(11:41:01 PM) Atheros2: So I have a question.. What IP did pirate use to log into IRC? Or did he connect through some service? (11:41:15 PM) Brunic: he use the pirated version of TOR (11:41:22 PM) Serge: lol (11:41:29 PM) chmod755: lol (11:41:34 PM) Brunic: nah, seriously, I don't know Atheros2 ;) (11:41:46 PM) chmod755: ;;hostmask pirateat40 (11:41:47 PM) gribble: pirateat40!~pirateat4@unaffiliated/pirateat40 (11:41:50 PM) usagi: Pirated? You mean he didn't.... pay for it? (rim shot) (11:41:57 PM) chmod755: :o (11:42:04 PM) ineededausername: lol (11:42:07 PM) usagi: Just kidding pirate (11:42:07 PM) Atheros2: chmod755: What does unaffiliated mean? Chaang-Noi cheebydi chmod755 chris613 (11:42:14 PM) chmod755: ;;hostmask chmod755 (11:42:15 PM) ThomasV: he paid only 40 (11:42:15 PM) gribble: chmod755!~affilitat@unaffiliated/chmod755 (11:42:24 PM) rdponticelli left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 272 seconds). (11:42:27 PM) chmod755: Atheros2: unaffiliated = scammer (11:42:34 PM) Brunic: usagi, he can't pay for TOR, he can't even pay us! (11:42:48 PM) usagi: I preferr KOR to TOR personally. (11:42:54 PM) Atheros2: ;;hostmask Atheros2 (11:42:54 PM) gribble: Atheros2!kvirc@cpe-66-108-252-231.nyc.res.rr.com (11:42:58 PM) usagi: KOR is so classic... (11:43:05 PM) Atheros2: So how did he connect? (11:43:07 PM) mode (+b *!*@unaffiliated/chmod755) by pirateat40 (11:43:07 PM) You have been kicked by pirateat40: (You're not welcome here!)