If this is the first time that you have encountered the term Bitcoin, do know that it is a form of currency. It is considered to be a digital one and it is created and it is held electronically as well. There is nobody that controls it. Bitcoin currencies are not printed as well unlike the euros or the dollars or other currency in the world these days. These coins are usually produced by people and businesses. It is also produced by running computers all over the world as well as in the use of software that are used to solve mathematical equations and problems. What causes Bitcoins to be different from the usual currency is the fact that it is decentralized. Actually, this currency can be used to buy things through electronic channels. In the same sense, it is somehow alike to the traditional currencies like the dollars, the yen, and the euros that can also be used for digital trading. However, since it is decentralized, this means there is n single individual or institution that is actually controlling the Bitcoin network. This is actually what puts a lot of people at ease with the idea of using the currency. After all, this means that they can be rest assured that large banks are not going to end up controlling their money in the process.