Success Habits: You Must See What Others Cannot See To Succeed In Business Success has a formular, but only those who complied with the rules of success makes it to the End. There are no new business idea? no special way to do business? But all these are not true because if you can see what others cannot see, you can achieve a success no one has even achieved. Seeing what others cannot see entails having a vision for one's business, career and life in general. Do you have a vision? How to see what others cannot see (1) SOLVE A PROBLEM: The very first step towards seeing what others cannot see is to solve a problem. Not just a problem but sophisticated, common challenges/problems in the society. (2) PROFER SOLUTION: After finding a problem, the next thing is to Profer a solution or possible solution. It is in the process of finding solutions that great ideas comes and the business will go to the new level. EXAMPLES OF PEOPLE WHO SAW WHAT OTHERS CANNOT SEE (1) Bill Gate: When others thought it is not possible to reduce the size of the big mainframe computers into smaller sizes that can be used in homes, Bill gates thought otherwise, not knowing what will be the result, he pressed on until he came up with Microsoft and today everyone globally enjoys the solution he provided. (2) MARK ZUCKERBERG: Netwokring and meeting people was never these easy and rampant until Mark zuckerbuck came with the innovation of creating a platform where people can meet old friends and new ones. At the same time, money flows in from this idea that others never see it profitable. (3) The Amazon saw that it possible to create a platform where people can buy and sell online and even globally. Someone taught its not possinle but today, goods are ordered and moves from one part of the world to another within a short period of time. Do you have a business idea? Try to see what others cannot see, Profer a solution to an impending challenge in your area and your business might be next in for global recognition. What do you think of this article? Kindly comment Share if found impactful