#Written by Cheese (#1759414) #Changelog: #Further editors: New edits get new GUIDS, move very old changes (and GUIDS) below script #For information about GUIDs, see the end of the script. #Version 1283e714-d027-4a34-a7cf-91cfbdbe1f33 - DanielH (#2157786) # Refactoring, Potential bugfixes, and additional abort messages #Version 6f97a73c-9181-435a-8d0c-2f40be7465fc - Cheese (#1759414) # Initial version; untested because no account in war #It is VERY important that before using this macro and going on the sidequest, you set 3 timers: #You must set them in the following order, and they must be your only timers running at the time. #Set your first timer to be "wrench", your second to be "pliers", and your third to be "screwdriver" #All timers should be set for 99 turns, which should be more than enough time to complete the side quest. #Each time you find a tool and are sent to find the next, shrug the effect of the tool you are searching to find #For instance, if you find the hammer, and are sent to find the wrench, shrug the effect "wrench" #Change the subroutine kill to be your prefered method of disposing of a monster. #change noted point to be your preferred method of stalling a monster #Check if this might be your gremlin if monstername batwinged gremlin if haseffect timer 1 call might endif endif if monstername erudite gremlin if (haseffect timer 2) && (!haseffect timer 1) call might endif endif if monstername spider gremlin if (haseffect timer 3) && (!haseffect timer 2) call might endif endif if monstername vegetable gremlin if !haseffect timer 3 call might endif endif if !monstername * gremlin abort This macro is meant for the junkyard. endif #If we're here, we don't care about this gremlin call kill #This subroutine steals the tool if it's there, returns if the tool isn't there, or quits if we #are too injured to continue. sub might #These messages would prove that it is not our gremlin while !(match "It does a bombing run over your head" || match "He uses the random junk around him to make an automatic eyeball-peeler" || match "It bites you in the fibula with its mandibles" || match "It picks a beet off of itself and beats you" || match "It picks a radish off of itself and tosses it") #These messages prove it is your gremlin if match "It whips out a hammer (you're not sure from where), and hammers on your head with it. Dude, you're so hammered." || match "He whips out a crescent wrench from somewhere, places it on your finger, and carefully calibrates how tightly he has to adjust it to make you scream bloody murder." || match "It whips out a pair of pliers and fastens them firmly on your" || match "It whips out a screwdriver and stabs you with it. Where did it get the vodka and orange juice? Oh, wait, it was just the regular, metal, stabby kind of screwdriver." call steal endif #Check to see if we're too injured. We abort instead of kill so the player knows. if hppercentbelow 30 abort 'Ouch; that hurt too much to continue.' endif #Change this to be your non-stunning and non-damaging stalling tactic of choice use facsimile endwhile #At this point, we know it's not our gremlin and we don't care about it. endsub #This subroutine steals the tool if it's present and aborts if it isn't. sub steal use molybdenum abort 'We just tried to steal but we are still in combat.' endsub #Change this one so you can completely kill a monster. Or maybe use a runaway. sub kill use rain-doh blue skill throw shield attack attack #At this point, we give up on killing automatically. You should probably keep this line. abort 'Unable to kill the gremlin' endsub #1 = wrench #2 = pliers #3 = screwdriver #GUIDs (aka UUIDs) are almost surely unique (you're more likely to win the lottery than to find #a duplicate one) so are very easy to Google. Any search for the changelog GUIDs will almost certainly #be concerned with this script. To generate a new GUID, you can go to # http://www.famkruithof.net/uuid/uuidgen