Marc Rotenberg, director of CPSR's Washington office, told Newsbytes, "I have really no details on the incident yet but I am very concerned about the reports. Confiscation of CPSR applications, if true, is outrageous. I will find out more facts on Monday." Newsbytes was told by the Pentagon City Mall office that any information concerning the action would have to come from the director of security, Al Johnson, who was not available until Monday. The Arlington Country Police referred Newsbytes to a "press briefing recording" which had not been updated since the morning before the incident. Corley told Newsbytes, "There have been no reports of misbehavior by any of these people. They were obviously singled out because they were hackers. It's as if they were being singled out as an ethnic group. I admire the way the group responded -- in a courteous fashion. But it is inexcusable that it happened. I will be at the next Washington meeting to insure that it doesn't happen again." The manager of one of New York state's largest malls provided background information to Newsbytes on the rights of malls to police those on mall property, saying, "The primary purpose of a mall is to sell. The interior of the mall is private property and is subject to the regulations of the mall. The only requirement is that the regulations be enforced in an even-handed manner. I do not allow political activities in my mall so I could not make an exception for Democrats. We do allow community groups to meet but they must request space at least two weeks before the meeting and must have proper insurance. Our regulations also say that groups of more than 4 may not congregate in the mall." The spokeswoman added that mall security can ask for identification from those who violate regulations and that they may be barred from the mall for a period of 6 months. She added, "Some people feel that mall atriums and food courts are public space. They are not and the industry is united on this. If the malls were to receive tax benefits for the common space and public service in snow removal and the like, it could possibly be a public area but malls are taxed on the entire space and are totally private property, subject to their own regulations. If a group of 20 or more congregated in my mall, they would be asked to leave."