Beloved, I don't think Christians around the World understand the seriousness of the resolution that the UN passed against Israel on Friday, the 24th of December, 2016. Forcing Israel back to their 1967 borders the Bible Prophecy said will happen. The Obama Administration did not use their Veto power to protect Israel as done in the past years. The USA did not vote on the Bill 181 on Friday and so the UN signed the Bill into law! Meaning Israel was placed on notice to vacate the Westbank, Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. It is now unlawfully occupied by Jerusalem. This means The Birth City of Jesus in Bethlehem, the Grave of Jesus and Golgotha Hill have been given to the Muslim Palestines. This Israel already indicated will not be done! They said it in no uncertain terms. This will lead to war. The UN against Israel! Although, this was a last attempt by Obama to Stab Israel in the back. President Elect, Donald Trump tweeted that AFTER the 20th of January, 2017, the World will see another UN. Apparently, there is nothing that the New POTUS can do against the resolution passed by the UN already! Bible Prophecy states that USA will join Israel in 2017 as the USA will withdraw herself from NATO and possibly the UN. Bible Prophecy Daniel 7: Eagle Wings detaching from the Lion and in Revelations 12 joining the Women with the 12 Stars = Israel. Bible Prophecy states that Gog (Russia) and Magog (Iran) will get UN orders to enforce Israel from the lands, Westbank, Jerusalem and Golan Heights. Daniel 11 and Ezekiel 38 and 39. God will fight this war on behalf of Israel. This is called the Gog and Magog battle of the 6th Trumpet War where 1/3 of the World Population will DIE. Revelations 9. Ezek 38v 22, Job 38v22 and Ex 9. Let's look at the timeline of events from now till the Battle of Armageddon. Next to the Battle of Armageddon. Ending World War 3 , The 6th Trumpet War. After the War, the New World Order will arrange peace in the Form of the Jewish Messiah ( The Antichrist). Israel will hand over the Westbank to Palestine for the Approval of Building the 3rd Jewish Temple in Temple Mount next to the Dome of the Rock. At the signing of this Agreement called the 7 year peace agreement, the World will be at peace for 3 and half years. This is when the Last Great Christian Revival will take Place Until The Jewish Messiah stops Sacrifices in the Newly Built Temple and Implement the Mark of the Beast, the 666. Then the Great Tribulation Starts, then the Wrath of God follows. At the end of the 7 Years, the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ. Just before the 7th Trumpet war, The Battle of Armageddon. Friends, I hope your Faith in God is strong, your Clothes washed in the Blood of the Lamb and your Lamps filled with Oil. The Bible Prophecy is coming to play right in front of our very eyes. Bride of Jesus Christ, let us prepare well and sanctify ourselves to meet our God, the KING of Glory!!!!!!! Abundant grace be with our spirits. Amen.