Jira api token => http://tranconrare.nnmcloud.ru/d?s=YToyOntzOjc6InJlZmVyZXIiO3M6MjE6Imh0dHA6Ly9iaXRiaW4uaXQyX2RsLyI7czozOiJrZXkiO3M6MTQ6IkppcmEgYXBpIHRva2VuIjt9 If you seek for more information about about two-factor authentication have a look at the or our. Projects will not be returned if the user does not have permission to create issues in that project. This can be used to retrieve a subset of fields. On-premise Jira will not be affected. By default, all fields are returned. This resource expects a multipart post. It will add the supplied comment to the first issue. This will allow you to search for Jira tickets, automatically fill in estimates in tickets and get a generated summary page at the end of the refinement session. To utilize this, you'll need to have Jira Administrator access to your Jira instance. You can page through users list by using indexes in expand param. Use code false the default if this is a new user or if an administrator is forcibly changing another user's password. Setting the REST API token - The fields param which can be specified multiple times gives a comma-separated list of fields to include in the response. There is no central repository of consumer applications unlike say Twitter or Trelloand b. Figure 1a Figure 3 4. Code for the Authentication The next step is to write the code to do the authentication of the user. The first method is to send a call to get the request token which you can then exchange for an access token. This is done in the first two lines of code above. The config object is then array of information and classes. You will now have an access token that is persisted. For further reading, check out. Hopefully this has saved you some time. Simon Cast is a product expert and Co-founder of - building great product management software, and ofa global community of product managers. He has 14 years experience in building products, ranging from satellite control software to online social capital tools, and also spent time in the Australian Army. In 2010, he co-founded ProductCamp London with Janna, and he now organizes events and the. Hi Kourosh, I would suggest that you use a. The basic process of Oauth is: 1. Get a request token from the Oauth supplier 2. Send the user to the Oauth supplier to authorise access 3. Thanks for the useful tutorial. One question is still being open though. What happens when the access token expires. Or it will silently redirect him to my callback page as he has already granted access earlier. How can I check if the access token has expired. I need to do this because my application needs to make some check with other applications. Do you know jira api token about this?.