SupaDupaJenkins' Noob Guide to Bitcoin P2Pool Mining (Windows) 1. Download P2Pool @ 2. Download CGMiner @ 3. Download Bitcoin (Wallet) @ 4. Extract P2Pool to it's own folder. 5. Extract CGMiner to it's own folder. 6. Install the Bitcoin (Wallet) Software. 7. Once you have downloaded the full Bitcoin Block Chain go into C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin and make a New Text Document 8. Now input the following into your New Text Document *EXACTLY AS IT'S FORMATTED OR IT WILL NOT WORK* rpcuser=user rpcpassword=password server=1 9. Now save the file as bitcoin.conf under "All Files/Types" it has to be saved as bitcoin.conf not bitcoin.conf.txt or it will NOT work.. 9 1/2. If you are having troubles with your Bitcoin Client crashing while using the Bitcoin RPC Server I will be adding to this guide with information on how to use Bitcoin Daemon Instead. 10. Now go into your CGMiner folder and find cgminer.exe , highlight it and right click it and Send To Desktop > Create Shortcut 11. Now find the shortcut you just made for cgminer.exe , right click it and go to properties 12. Now find "Target.." and add a space and enter the following.. cgminer.exe" -o -u user -p password 13. Now save the details you just changed in the shortcut by clicking OK 13. Now open your P2Pool folder and find run_p2pool.exe , highlight it and right click and again Send To Desktop > Create Shortcut 13 1/2. If CGMiner reports lowered performance with SDK 2.6 you need to downgrade to SDK 2.5 to do this first.. Go to Control Panel > Add Remove Programs (on Windows XP) or Programs and Features (Windows Vista/7) Organize Alphabeticly by selecting the Name Arrow until it is facing UP Select AMD Catalyst Install Manager and click Change Click Next when the window comes up Choose Uninstall Manager Check All AMD APP/SDK Names in the list LEAVE everything else! Select Next to uninstall AMD SDK 2.6 Once AMD SDK 2.6 is fully uninstalled you need to downgrade to AMD SDK 2.5 to do this.. Download AMD SDK 2.5 @ (32 bit) @ (64 bit) Install either the 32 bit or 64 bit AMD SDK 2.5 Once the install is finished you need to make sure you ACTUALLY have the AMD SDK 2.5 files to do this is quite simply thanks to ssateneth for providing a direct download link package of all the files :) Download AMD SDK 2.5 Files @ Now simply copy and paste the following files overwriting the previous ones For Windows 32 Bit you want to copy/paste the following files from ssateneth's AMD-APP-SDK-v2.5.rar over top the ones that are currently installed. C:\Windows\System32\amdocl64.dll C:\Windows\System32\amdoclcl64.dll C:\Windows\System32\OpenCL.dll For Windows 64 bit you want to copy/paste the following files from ssateneth's AMD-APP-SDK-v2.5.rar over top the ones that are currently installed. C:\Windows\System32\amdocl64.dll C:\Windows\System32\amdoclcl64.dll C:\Windows\System32\OpenCL.dll C:\Windows\SysWOW64\amdocl.dll C:\Windows\SysWOW64\amdoclcl.dll C:\Windows\SysWOW64\OpenCL.dll Now it's time to rebuild your CGMiner Kernel to do this go into your CGMiner folder and delete the only *.bin there For my AMD Radeon HD 6570s the file is phatk120213Turksbitalignv2w128long4.bin It differs for every Video Card / GPU but will be the ONLY *.bin files in your CGMiner folder Once this file is deleted and all wen't well CGMiner should not display the Low Performance error anymore and it should go ahead and instantly rebuild the new kernel thus giving you back your normal hashrate and much improved performance. 14. Now run your CGMiner Shortcut. 15. Now run your P2Pool Shortcut. 16. If all wen't well you should now be mining Bitcoins on P2Pool. Cheers, SupaDupaJenkins If this guide helped you Please Donate @ 1qTYaQjYw7yAxbBoKb4qXaMh7QVYnAHuy (Bitcoin)