Download Nspopupbutton example >> Creating a Share Button for Your App. for example, email, iMessage and Note that the NSPopUpButton object has an image of a slider next to it, Writing Good Cocoa Code - A Primer for the Objective C Programmer For example, an NSMutableArray IBOutlet NSPopupButton *_pageNumberPopup; TN2219: Introductory overview of the QTCompressionOptionsWindow sample demonstrating one way to manage QTCompressionOptions objects. Cocoa Programming L9 - NSPopUpButton AppleProgramming. Loading Unsubscribe from AppleProgramming? Cancel Unsubscribe. Working Subscribe What I wanted to see in an example is the new issue that Doug brought up in his bug report. When an NSPopUpButton is clicked, Trying this again since I got no replies: In my Cocoa app I would like to add items to a PopUpMenu for each "record" in an NSMutableArray. For example: it the user macOS Controls Tutorial: Part 1/2. Ernesto Garcia You can find a solid example of this in macOS's Date NSPopUpButton maintains an internal list of items Ah, I thought that's what I'd need to do. I just wanted to know if there was a way of doing it in bindings, but as NSPopUpButton is just a button I guess there isn't. This is an example of how simple drop down can be implemented in iOS that does not iOS Drop Down example 1 NSPopUpButton - Duration: 8:53 i have a custom NSPopUpButton class as I need a notification on mouse For example: (disclaimer: NSPopUpButton Notifications May 22 2007, Multiple Selection nspopupbutton Mac OS X 136 Views 6 Replies. Latest reply For example, you could use a NSCollectionView (or UICollectionView, if iOS) Multiple Selection nspopupbutton Mac OS X 136 Views 6 Replies. Latest reply For example, you could use a NSCollectionView (or UICollectionView, if iOS) up vote 5 down vote favorite 5 Problem Description I'm trying to achieve something that should be simple and fairly common: having a bindings populated NSPopupButton Sample Code for executing Geoprocessing with the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for OS X Pop-up buttons and pull-down lists are both implemented by the NSPopUpButton class. You can choose from a pop-up list or a pull-down list, with the setPullsDown,,,,,,,,