My amazon account => Once you've gathered the information we need and verified your account details, and we'll move the old account and then confirm that this is complete. Protect your accounts by setting strong passwords, use a password manager like LastPass or 1Password, and configure two-factor authentication everywhere it is available like Google Mail, Amazon, Outlook. We must receive and validate your tax information before you can update existing books or publish new books in the Kindle store. Thanks again for shopping with us. When setting up your account, you'll need to provide details for receiving royalty payments. I contacted Amazon, deleted the suspect address and changed my password. It is a far bigger problem than this article indicates. Mine was hacked by someone in Russia also this last week. Check Purchase History Especially Archived Orders Next, take a look at your Amazon order history and make sure you recognize all recent purchases. Then first implement these smart tips from the pros to regain control of your Amazon account. Look at each of these sections carefully to check that nothing has been added or changed. The same fraudster subscribed me to Prime! Hard not to with the free 2-day shipping, , and competitive pricing. Merchants - I immediately attempted to login to Amazon with my email and password that I had been using… and no luck. The customer service rep, Christine, was very friendly and asked me for my email and home address in order to work with me to get access to my account. Hard not to with the free 2-day shipping,and competitive pricing. If for some unforeseeable reason your Amazon account gets hacked, here are the 6 things you need to do right away… 1. Make your new password a string of random numbers and letters and not actual words. Then write it down somewhere for safe keeping. In other words, if they can my amazon account into your email account it becomes easy to also get into your Amazon account. Check Your Account Information Next, click around your Amazon account carefully and make sure nothing has been altered. Check your linked credit cards if anybilling address, shipping address, phone number, and email address. If any information has been changed, be sure to note the change with a screen capture and then correct it. Check Purchase History Especially Archived Orders Next, take a look at your Amazon order history and make sure you recognize all recent purchases. Enable Amazon 2-Step Verification By turning on your Amazon account is much harder to hack into. Essentially it requires a security code to be entered whenever you attempt my amazon account access your account from a new computer, smartphone, or tablet. To authenticate, Amazon will simply shoot you a text message with a security code attached that you manually enter. Very easy to do and definitely helps keep hackers out of your account. Consider Un-Linking Credit Cards Having your credit card s linked to your account makes ordering much easier. But it also creates an easy way for hackers to make unauthorized purchases on those cards. A my amazon account workaround is to un-link all payment methods from your Amazon account. my amazon account Make sure none of them have any unauthorized purchases on them. Also, check the email address of the sender. Stay far away from those. Ask the Reader: Has your Amazon account ever been hacked. How did the hacker get into your account and what damage was done. By My stepdad just passed away after a year long battle with cancer. Steal from a dying individual and take the needed finances his widow could have used. I was under the impression that amazon was a totally secure site and protected those who were taken advantage of. They locked the account and said they would get back to me. That was 6 days ago and still no progress. I can not get into my account, can not use my amazon prime movies and can not alter alexa settings or get kindle books. This has been a bit of a nightmare. My account was hacked a week ago, and I have already spoken to three different people at Amazon about it, and the problem has still not been fixed. Amazon is certainly my amazon account infallible, and I agree completely that a company this large should be better equipped to help customers who find themselves in this situation. My Amazon account was just hacked by Amazon allowing a stranger to create a new password; and from there, my identity was stolen. It is a far bigger problem than this article indicates. Anyone can have your email and pretend to be you. They asked me no security questions not that it would have mattered, the hacker already had all my information. By that time, I had already shut down my credit cards, email and all that was associated with Amazon because the person had already had charged on anything associated with that information, including Uber, Microsoft online and other things I am still working through. There is no way I will ever put any personal information in their hands again until they work on security. This also mixes my amazon account at Whole Foods. They have big problems, sadly. I contacted Amazon, deleted the suspect address and changed my password. This morning it is back on my account and had ordered more stuff. Still waiting for an explanation from Amazon. I have deleted all my credit cards with the account and changed to 2 step verification 888 282-2406 1 888 280-4331 Mine was hacked, too, and a Russian email address put in. If the first person you talk to blows you off and says and account specialist will get back to you in 24-48 hours, indicate how upset you are and ask to speak to a supervisor. I wasted 24 hours waiting for someone to get back to me and realized I had to rachet it up with customer support. As of now, I am waiting for a few hours before my restored email enables me to get in there and change my password again. Mine was hacked by someone in Russia also this last week. I called yesterday and they took care of it right away. I had an email saying it was restored last night and it said to wait a few hours before logging in to reset my password. These hackers often hack into your email account. Then when you are sent an email from Amazon or Instagram or other sites to change your password, they simply click on the link and change the password on your account. I noticed that they Russians in my case changed the password on my Instagram account within 5 minutes of me changing it with a very strong password. So the very first thing you need to do before any of the great suggestions and before changing your Amazon password is to change your email password to a strong my amazon account. I am dealing with the second hack of my amazon account — The first time I saw that they changed my email address and I called amazon because I noticed a funny email address on the login screen to my account. They had updated my phone number and added +9 to it so I could not get the text authentication. They then attempted to purchase a cell phone which they shipped to my home address, it was charged to me and I returned it but had to wait for the refund. This morning I had difficulty accessing my amazon account and tried to reset my amazon account password but the emails are not coming to my email address. I am now on hold with Amazon fraud to resolve. It is not secure even with 2 step verification!!. I was hacked by a Russian domain too. They changed my email address to one that ended in. I called Amazon, talked to someone who said Account Management would call me back in 24-48 hrs. I also replied back to the email from Amazon. After 3 days, I called back and they had no record of me calling. Nothing has gone through on my credit card account and no orders went out but there were 5 odd items in the Cart including drones. After my second call, they sent me an email explaining I could sign in via password change. I signed up for the 2 step verification. I will be blocking Amazon from my old credit card that was on my account and will not be saving any credit card info on there going forward. Very poor service not to do anything the first time we call. As you can see, that is there pattern for many of us with the same problem. We became aware that our Amazon account had been hijacked three days ago. I have called every day, spoken to associates who seem to feel there is nothing alarming about finding a foreign email attached to the now inaccessible Amazon account. Day three, another Russian email. Apparently we are the only folks that cannot gain access to our account. They hacked into my Amazon via my e-mail. Mid November 2018 I first spotted something. I received an unknown Amazon order, so I thought first that someone else ordered it and had it delivered to my address for convenience. I tried sending something else to the linked e-mail address; that message arrived. Tried forgotten password again, no e-mail. But you can also use it as webmail, so I logged into it. I reported the fraud to Amazon and to my credit card provider, I also changed my amazon account my passwords my amazon account and Amazon and removed the filter in my e-mail account that prevented me from getting messages from Amazon. Amazon told me they would refund the orders and revert all changes that the fraudsters may have made to my account. Problem solved… or was it. A couple of days ago or so tI was searching on Amazon and it kept warning me about Prime whatever. First I thought the items I looked at were only available for Prime members and decided to abandon that particular search. But then I realized I was somehow a Prime member. Apparently my membership started in December, and I was just about to be charged for it. The same fraudster subscribed me to Prime. So much about reverting the account. The helpline stopped my membership and refunded the Prime charge. I wanted an assurance that I would be able to have a free 30-day trial of Prime in the future if I decide I do want to try it. I have not used it. I kept the record of the conversation….