Java create file if not exists => Success ; } Thanks for your prompt reply. TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. GetString decryptedAsByte Return decryptedAsByte End Function End Class End Class I am using the Outputfile1 variable. Once you have File object in hand, then there is a list of helper methods which can be used to manipulate the files. The mkdirs will create all directories that are missing in the path the File object represents. Just call mkdir, no exception will be thrown if it already exists. I am using the following code in the script Task two Imports System Imports System. If this pathname denotes a directory, then the directory must be empty in order to be deleted. Check if File Exists Once you have instantiated a File object you can check if the corresponding file actually exists already. Returns true if and only if the renaming succeeded; false otherwise. Invoking this method is equivalent to invoking createTempFile prefix, suffix, null. Just call mkdir, no exception will be thrown if it already exists. TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. Java ‘file exists’ testing - Any non-directory file created by a Java application is guaranteed to be a normal file. On this document we will be showing a java example on how to use the mkdirs  method of File Class. This method creates the directory named by this abstract pathname, including any necessary but nonexistent parent directories. Note that if this operation fails it may have succeeded in creating some of the necessary parent directories. String method does not permit verification of the existence of java create file if not exists named directory and all necessary parent directories; or if the SecurityManager. String method does not permit the named directory and all necessary parent directories to be created. Below is a java code demonstrates the use of mkdirs  method of File class. The example presented might be simple however it shows the behaviour of the mkdirs  method of File class.  Basically we called this method and we put a check on the returned value to check if the pathname specified has been created successfully or not. The example provided below shows that on the first run, the file has been created successfully while on the second run it failed. That is because the directory structure is already created on the first run, thus succeeding run will definitely fail as describe on the earlier part of this document.