We're working hard to protect Australia's thriving agricultural industry from a range of threats, including avian influenza, Foot and Mouth Disease and depleted world bee populations. Australian bat lyssavirus In 1996, a new virus was discovered in Australian bats. Identified as a lyssavirus, this virus is a close relative of the common rabies virus found overseas. Avian Influenza in Indonesia Our global role Our team at AAHL is helping track avian influenza in Indonesia using molecular mapping. Fighting Nipah virus In 1998-99 an outbreak of a new virus, now called the Nipah virus, killed more than 100 people and thousands of pigs in Malaysia. Our scientists were part of the international task force to tackle the virus and later participated in vaccine evaluation. Foot and mouth disease preparedness Our global role We're working to protect Australia and its neighbours from foot and mouth disease, one of the most serious biosecurity threats facing Australian agriculture. Insect protected cowpeas Food security and global farming We are part of a global project to improve cowpea production in Africa and are making progress towards incorporating ‘built-in’ insect pest protection that could help to reduce food shortages in the region. Partnering to find a solution to Australia’s Qfly problem Biosecurity risk and preparedness We're working with industry and government to find a solution to Australia's Queensland fruit fly problem. Protecting wine grapes from mildew Plant science If we can better understand plant resistance to pathogens like fungi and oomycetes, we can successfully introduce genes for resistance into crops like grapevines, which will increase productivity and quality, and simultaneously decrease our dependence on chemicals for disease control. Reducing impact of Atlantic salmon gill disease Fighting aquatic animal diseases Our scientists are working with Tasmania’s Atlantic salmon growers to prevent amoebic gill disease (AGD) in salmon. Swarm sensing: tiny technology creates a buzz Biosecurity risk and preparedness Thousands of honey bees have been fitted with tiny sensors as part of a world-first research program to monitor the insects’ movements. The team are working with Brazil’s Vale Institute of Technology to take the technology to the Amazon.