The amount of credit card information being sold on the black market is staggering. And I don't mean the black market in a third world country where you have to tell the front man of a bodega a secret password to let into. I'm talking about the black market hidden right in front of you. Within this very cyber space that you're reading this. Scared? You probably should be. Thousands upon thousands of of online vendors are selling your information right now. Not just your credit card numbers because those are practically useless with out the CVV, your address, phone number, email, mother's maiden name, social security it's all being sold as a package. They're called 'FULLZ.' If you were never worried about identity theft before. You probably should be now. And this can all be acquired from someone simply obtaining the IP address of your computer. That's hacking 101 right there and there are anonymous individuals all over the globe doing it, right now. Do yourself a favor and go and learn yourself some knowledge on online security. It may be too late.