This method is more of a long term one and if you decide to stick with for enough, you’ll be able to scale it and x2 or even x5 your earnings. The method is pretty simple, we will be utilizing affiliate marketing in order to advertise products, and earn commision from them. Don’t worry, you don’t need any advanced marketing knowledge, you don’t need to learn any skill and sell it, sell websites, or anything like that. Most of ​the hard work​ is ​already done for you​! There are a lot of ways you can do this, I’m going to give you the exact step by step guide for the first one, and later on you can find your own niche/twist and scale your earnings. Before we start, you’ll need to register on: Just fill out your ● Email or phone number ● Name (can be fake as far as I know) ● Password Now you’re ready to dive into the method. ​Check the next page for more! Once you’ve signed up to Udimi, you’ll need to find a seller who is going to promote your affiliate offer to his email list. Head over to search tab ​( ​ ​ ) ​ and find a vendor you want to work with. There are a few things you want to keep in mind - Always use vendors who have at least 800-1,000+ positive ratings. - If you’re a beginner, find a vendor who will help you write an ad copy ​(check his description) - I prefer vendors who have over 30% reported sales After you’ve done that, you will need to find an offer to promote. There are ​literally thousands​ of offers you can promote. Some of them: ​ More offers: And so on. I would ​highly recommend ​you to consider being an affiliate for clickfunnels as they pay ​40% recurring monthly revenue. ClickFunnels is $99/month, 40% of that is ​$40/month for 1 user. If we do a quick math here, we can easily figure out how much we could​ make with this method. Let’s say you purchase 200 leads @ $0.50/lead. That is $100. Out of that 100, let’s say 10 out of 100 end up purchasing the product ​(meaning you get affiliate commission) ​ : 10 people that purchase x $40 = $400 If you decide to go with Clickfunnels, their affiliate platform is here: ​ There are a lot of things you can promote, find your own niche and scale it up. I prefer ClickFunnels because it’s extremely easy to get to $XXX mark, with only a few people who sign up under your link.