‘Aliens’. Just exactly what are Aliens (and, No, I don’t mean individuals from other countries, but actually maybe not that far from it)? When Aliens are spoken of, the first thought is a being from another solar system. What if they were from here, from Earth? Just not our Earth. Let’s take a step back in time. We begin with the Big Bang. The amount of energy released by this cosmic event was tremendous to say the least. It created everything in our Universe. Every galaxy as far as we can see out to the fringes of known space. Also, it made other Universes. Universes that lie in parallel to our own. In a cosmic scale, each of these Universes looks almost identical. Just a few variations here and there. It’s when we take a more micro-cosmic look that not all is the same. In our solar system, Earth has formed countless time across the many dimensions. But not every Earth evolved the same way. There are many that are hostile and barren akin to Mars. There are those that have life and not much more. But the special ones are those that evolved intelligent life. From what I have been made to understand, on one of these worlds, during what we call the Silurian Period, life left the sea and had the beginnings of intelligent thought. The fossil records of that world show how these creatures made nests on the beaches by manipulating their environment. They also made what look like catch pools to harvest other sea creatures. They were the top species. Eventually they grew and changed. They evolved. Today, they are known as the Greys. It took them longer to learn the sciences, well, longer than our own species. They did get there eventually. And one of their greatest scientific achievements was access to other dimensions, other “Earths”. Here they found that life was special as more often than not, the other dimensional “Earths” were completely devoid of life. That spark, that chemical reaction that started it all just didn’t happen on some worlds. Another thing they found was that intelligent life is rarer still. It was about 50 million years ago that they found another species showing intelligence (sorry humans, not you). On another Earth, there was no mass extinction of the dinosaurs. One species showed rudimentary intelligence. The Greys started working with this species. It wasn’t long before this reptilian species came into their own. They were groomed and guided by the greys. They soon learned most of the grey’s knowledge and science. They were close to becoming their equals. However, the reptilians were becoming more and more disenchanted with what the greys had done. They felt that they were not given the opportunity to evolve and learn on their own as a species. They say that the greys forever changed who they were as a species. Their freedom of choice was stripped from them early in their development. This did not preclude them from continuing to learn the sciences brought to them by the greys. It wasn’t long before they too were able to cross dimensions. And it wasn’t long before they too found a species showing intelligence. They were on an Earth where reptilians were wiped out millennia ago. This did not help their attitude. The reptilians saw this new species as one they could shape into their own universal views. They proclaimed themselves as gods and used this new populace as slave labor. They felt the labor performed by this species was adequate payment for the sciences they were taught (agriculture, writing, math etc…). The experiments conducted on this species were to further scientific advancement, or at least that is what the reptilians told themselves. It took the greys a few centuries more to finally arrive in this dimension. They were not pleased. From the greys point of view, the reptilians were doing to the humans what the greys had done to the reptilians. That is the reptilians were abnormally shaping the humans. They were not giving them the opportunity to become their own species. The reptilian view was that humans would have never amounted to anything had they not helped. This is where the first battles occurred between the grays and reptilians. Eventually the greys won and the reptilians left our world. The greys also took some of the sciences taught to our ancestors by removing books and individuals who had this knowledge. One other thing that was decided is that while we were to be left alone, we were also to become a grand experiment. How does a species left to its own devices develop culture and civilizations. How do they manage as a whole as well as individuals? They all came to watch. And watching was all they should have done, but there were a few here and there who tried to exert influence over some cultures. It usually didn’t last long and those who tried this were quickly removed. Even though they try to keep a low profile, they are by no means perfect at it. So here we are today and the experiment is close to being over. Our knowledge is advancing quickly. So what happens at disclosure? Well that isn’t an easy answer. The reptilians still feel we owe them our allegiance and we should be under their rule (Subjugation). A large faction of the greys feels we are too violent as we are willing to kill others of our own species. They don’t want us part of the bigger picture (Destruction). Another part of the greys feel that while we are not ready to know about the bigger picture, they have hope that eventually we can come together as a species (Cautious Optimism). So there it is in a nutshell. So there are visitors to our world. However it is not just curious aliens from another star, but beings who are keeping a close eye on us to determine how we fit into the larger picture. From what I understand we are not making the best impression at this time.