If you like Moon Bitcoin and Moon Dogecoin, you'll be interested in Dust Bitcoin: http://dustbit.co.in/?id=16302 Dust Coin is an accumulator faucet. When you first visit, the faucet begins to pour out satoshi for you. After five minutes, you can claim a payment -- or you can let the coins accumulate to claim a bigger payout later on. Accumulator facuets are a real time-saver, since you only need to enter the CAPTCHA once per several hundred satoshi. Here are some of my favourites: http://moonbit.co.in/?ref=4550b9fd12f1 http://moondoge.co.in/?ref=ff684969bcfe http://dustbit.co.in/?id=16302 1GeRE2Dho8cXXqiqzxy6m7J8WgZiNVQus5