Ssh with password => Some sysadmins prefer users to use key-based authentication because they don't trust human users for remembering strong password; they believe that the security of a private key file will be easier to maintain by average users than generation and usage of a strong password. Be careful not to delete any characters while doing that. Both are non-interactive, meaning that they can work when you're not there to enter a password. It is also possible to make logins with no password asked with this method. In the above commands, ssh is the client program. I recommend the first method. Key authentication protects you from mitm-attacks even if you don't know the host key. And the answer here can save you much time to manage multiple keys, being keys for git or server. Thanks for contributing an answer to Information Security Stack Exchange! This key will serve as a substitute for the password that will be entered during login. Key-based authentication works by creating a pair of keys: a private key and a public key. But I will assume that the person controlling the server is simply not going to allow you to use ssh key authentication and you must use password authentication. The passphrase serves as an additional layer of protection in case these conditions are compromised. I know you have the prompt with the server name, but I still think you could add the instruction on where to run the command in the text above it as well. It runs single awk to parse the config file and figure out if to take the password from a shell variable or from the password written cleartext into the ssh config file with awk in an eval instead of describe due to issues I hit using describe. You will have to explain why you have a requirement to not use an ssh key. How To Use SSH to Connect to a Remote Server in Ubuntu - This was easy to set up on one of my computers. A typical authentication mode will be to enter a password when logging into a remote system. I remember I did this with some tricks somebody guided me, but I can't remember now the trick I used. Pro tip: If you don't want to have a specific command show up in. However, users of this command should be more concerned that non-privileged users on the system can see the full command-line with ps, which, of course, includes the password. Since ssh sessions tend to be long-lived, this is a security issue. You are just three easy steps away from the solution: Ssh with password a rsa keypair: ssh-keygen then copy it on the server with one simple command: ssh-copy-id userid hostname you can now log in without password: ssh userid hostname Use expect:. Key ssh with password protects you from mitm-attacks even if you don't know the host key. An attacker could impersonate the server, but never connect to the real server. With password authentication any server you connect to legitimate or not will see the password. For those reasons an ssh key without password is a lot more secure than just storing the password in a file. It can nicely manage things like prompting for password, prompting for sudo password, various ways of changing use, securely using encrypted secrets vault. The window of opportunity is quite short and limited to your processes or root. The window of opportunity is much longer but still limited to your own processes or root, not other users. Command line arguments are visible to all users e. Side note Set your bash to ignorespace or ignoreboth and prefix your sensitive commands with a space. They won't be saved in history. Anyone somehow obtaining the private key file won't be able to use it without the passphrase. Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 on this site the. Would you like to answer one of these instead. Not the answer you're looking for. Browse other questions tagged or.