#Anonymous #OperationGreenRights #RTRS HACKED!!! We invite you to read this new information leaked from * www.responsiblesoy.org Accounts with username, email, password, from companies like #Monsanto #Cargill #WWF #Nestlè #Shell #Syngenta #Bayer #Wilmar etc... etc.. STOP to the production of genetically modified organisms aimed to conquer larger and larger market shares STOP to market logics like the production of RR2 products, resistant to the effects of glyphosates produced from Monsanto themselves, dangerous to human health (they only started to document cases of genetic malformations) and to the enviroment (the impoverishment and soil sterilization caused by insecticides and monocultures) STOP to the international crimes that see government bodies involved, Non Governative Organizations created and subsidized from Corporations and Governments, with the aim of increasing a civic sense aimed to cover with the blanket of morality the most shameful human actions. With this operation we want to put on the same level Monsanto and a world organization that we were taught to appreciate: the World Wildlife Foundation. STOP the World Wildlife Foundation!!! The World Wildlife Foundation certifies all the genetically modified products of Monsanto, the World Wildlife Foundation certifies that the areas where the genetically modified products of Monsanto are grown, in south America and Asia, are subjected to "sustainable deforestation", the same areas ripped from the forest for the building of Highway RS163 (a way to transport the biggest traffics of the planet, from cocaine to Niobium), or for the construction of tens of power plants arising in the Amazon, like the dam of Belo Monte wich we harshly fight. STOP to the "green Mafia", to this facade ecology, aimed to make pleasant to the public opinion the biggest filthiness of the planet. STOP making believe the whole world that an alternative does not exist. Monsanto : Anonymous refuses your vile dominion over Nature . First we recall some aspects of the criminal activity Monsanto. Organic farmers in America who see their crops accidentally contaminated by Monsanto's genetically modified seeds are then accused by the legal industry just mentioned , theft seeds, in order to intimidate them and then get them to adopt Monsanto seed or sell their lands . In Europe the powerful Union administrators approve the use of transgenic seeds . In India, over the past twenty years, the number of farmers' suicides has grown exponentially , along with the spread of glyphosate pesticide ill-suited to non-GM crops . The following summarizes the strategy that , at least since the early nineties, Monsato , Bayer and other large agri business , have implemented in order to take control of the production of cotton in India. First, it is necessary to clarify some point prior . Glyphosate is a herbicide invented in the 70s. Among its "side effects" has to heavily contaminate the soil on which it is used , making for what completely sterile within a few years . For this reason this product was no longer used . In 2000, Monsanto has renewed the patent on glyphosate , and in fact a few years before he produced genetically modified seeds and resistant to Roundup ( glyphosate Monsanto ), between these there is also the ' Bt cotton ' . In the early 90s the market for herbicides in India has been saturated with products from Monsanto's glyphosate-based . This means that the herbicides that farmers could buy were almost all made of glyphosate. This obviously has forced Indian farmers to buy and use it. Glyphosate has made the land infertile within a few years, in fact , as the chart below shows , in 1995 he recorded the first 10,500 suicides of farmers. The suicides of farmers impoverished cresono steeply to reach 19,000 a year around 2003 . As mentioned , the only Bt cotton Monsanto GMO is able to grow in soils contaminated by glyphosate of Indian farmers , therefore, it is easy to understand , having been forced to contaminate their land with the round up , farmers had to forcibly introduce more more heavily Monsanto Bt cotton . Monsanto uses , therefore , deception , blackmail and against the usurpation of the weakest areas in which to grab its food produce deadly , and if necessary implements a real hardship for genocide against millions of Indian farmers in sinister name of profit. It ' good to clarify that there is no scientific evidence that monsanto products are highly injurious to health . The following shows the opinion of the prof.Huber , fisiopatologo plants now professor emeritus at Purdue University, considered an authority on the subject. He believes that it is now ascertained the presence of a pathogen similar to a virus in products derived from Monsanto's glyphosate- resistant crops . This parasite , produced by the combined action of Roundup and GMO seeds remain in the soil for years, making it completely barren. The ' pathogen is also able to move the animals , in fact it has been found guilty of infertility and birth in the case of cattle . There is no guarantee that the virus is not active also in humans. We also want to point out that Monsanto , together with the WWF , Cargill, Exxon and others, is part of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil ( RSPO ) of the Round Table on Responsible Soy ( RTRS ) . These two associations are concerned to expand throughout the world, the intensive cultivation of oil palm and soybean GMO with the use of glyphosate , but their characteristic is that large industry participants see themselves recognized by the WWF for the guarantee of sustainability their products . WWF recognizes that Monsanto's products are grown in an environmentally friendly . Everything is filthy , grotesque and disgusting. Finally, we point out that the EU itself , an institution certainly not averse to Monsanto indicates that the company 's U.S. corn causes uncontrolled die-offs of bees. Obviously, bees play a crucial role for the existence of plants and then to the production of oxygen on planet Earth. Monsanto , powerful producers of GMOs : OperationGreenRights , cursing your name dripping with the blood of hundreds of thousands of unarmed peasants ; Damn your filthy profit, in the name of which poisoned the environment and humans . Monsanto : Anonymous thinks you're responabile , in front of Mankind , for genocide , environmental disaster and mass contamination ! We are coming, We are anonymous We are Legion We do not forgive We do not forget Expect us! DUMP info from www.responsiblesoy.org * +-----------------------------------------+--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | email | username | password | +-----------------------------------------+--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | webmaster@solutionslo.com.ar | plucia | 79cdf29d4038708a6614fe19023f45e6 | | paulo@plhosting.com.ar | dgclo | a8adba8fac14b588ebf7ca05bdb66dcc:LPa4QLhdUdxyAq4yk9Ic8h8FL4mTFd2u | | veronica.estrade@responsiblesoy.org | vero | 0813579933a4dcf59f66730312e5c2f6:xqpcaj49Zfm1zw9iNJuNRk2vvIz5tgQQ | | juan@dgclo.com.ar | AAPRESID | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan1@dgclo.com.ar | APDC | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan5@dgclo.com.ar | DAP | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan7@dgclo.com.ar | FUNDACION MT | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan8@dgclo.com.ar | GEBANA | 460d910648bb537020f6d11f303eef84:gURcH3PKtmlwdH3EI3nxS9ZFdhQQho87 | | juan9@dgclo.com.ar | MAGGI | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan10@dgclo.com.ar | Grupo Los Grobo | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan11@dgclo.com.ar | Grupo Lucci | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan12@dgclo.com.ar | Khajuraho | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | rtrs05@responsiblesoy.org | mseghezzo | 0386e945ebb99754f0573ff66d5d6800:uEOGoWu7REprKz4aygSnDeSnlXhTcw8I | | juan13@dgclo.com.ar | Khujner Agriculture | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan15@dgclo.com.ar | MSU | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan17@dgclo.com.ar | Samarth Kisan | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan18@dgclo.com.ar | Sironj Crops | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan19@dgclo.com.ar | SLC | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan21@dgclo.com.ar | TERRA | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan29@dgclo.com.ar | ASA | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan23@dgclo.com.ar | BASIX | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan24@dgclo.com.ar | Conservation International | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | yo@yo.com | jdouglas | c25dbdccadc2db403a245714757c86a7:kZ5k4sImNM5bStFrbhNmsOW4nx5PRfZj | | juan26@dgclo.com.ar | Fundaci\xf3n Mois\xe9s Bertoni | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan27@dgclo.com.ar | Fundaci\xf3n Vida Silvestre | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan28@dgclo.com.ar | Guyra Paraguay | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | erica.alvarez@cotecna.com.ar | erica | 3e8d0b5e9ffc4590fc0c68f8d611e9ed:kzhQdmnJsAOyi7oobqjPL7W5O8CB0pwQ | | caio@ethos.org.br | Instituto ETHOS | 010ce7020245f9d829dff794259673d6:l66uYcQFKDAAiTngIrS8EOqrFdcu1ZpW | | juan31@dgclo.com.ar | IPAM | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | artur.rocha@supercargo.pt | artur.rocha | e1f51c4863e72223fe34d22fa801b9cc:343peOArGiCxdWexTgDw03eN9M8eCQ6k | | jeroen.douglas@solidaridad.nl | Solidaridad | b0241a4a005859370183b63462c05de0:tWgBSrFBSpduooWF7OU5t79OuLZlCBAF | | ralf.kenkel@mega-tierernaehrung.de | MEGA | f70b1d269a740e1e2df34b0bd256dcbd:2K2TYaPRUI3RwVWEOPsNavvj6DV6VuEd | | padamjain@srijanindia.org | SRIJAN | 187a41d6b5778478e3a5f84eeee1c1cd:r6pw9raIe6m66rBagcX7WRvdnIohVU3T | | juan35@dgclo.com.ar | The Nature Conservancy | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan36@dgclo.com.ar | WWF | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | vineethampco@gmail.com | Vineet Kumar Gupta | 33a9676136b9186c5bdf03ff3710c4c4:csdyZ3lu6I7k61uLUYHaR00efKLS2lCG | | acsoja@bcr.com.ar | ACSOJA | de7a046b86fe457b9d47660e845fdef3:7tJZuzxsiULmWQIi9MxY1xFfevF5qoPS | | p.boudeling@agrifirm.com | Agrifirm | 1c8a581a217c84891b35d3a278365459:Lf3uz9nA4vLpv5cHNfekWvwygSwstVZo | | renato_magni@cargill.com | rmagni | e180c059fcc09d33d851bf1a375a57ed:amS4RbHECOtOB0xGIaD4sI5QRlTsSIjS | | ianholder@inspec-group.com | ianholder | 4fd49c2aaf07f3dda9cd03e93d5697ac:nQ8n9vWP4PKmNuIvlTqWbsCGX0t0TdLg | | juan42@dgclo.com.ar | AHOLD | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | sandra.vandingenen@akzonobel.com | Akzonobel | 35f2fb170a21dc71c4d79e2067410278:WAQI79uOnyg3FvaAaHLot2m5cHN42GgE | | juan44@dgclo.com.ar | ADM | ab407b150d706152bc129e9eccb64bb8:WGtFpPRQBccAU0DFp5E3gYGE2kLjmRYz | | daniel.meyer@responsiblesoy.org | dmeyer | bf81a4f713cf1e5e787325d42ca4d4e5:SfUHwu0NXC2Naf9BOmNxLKLFR62cW2HR | | delfina.ogrady@responsiblesoy.org | Marks and Spencer | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | rmoreau@balticcontrol.com.br | Raulmoreau | cc0accfaf7be6a577c98dc0c1fca3220:NeEyTNGx33m7XOggNu6abIeCywVT6Jo5 | | gorgen@ribeiraosa.com.br | jgorgen | 90a2af8f98168a155f719fad37781837:P5W5UU6kheJoVvsvTJHCQVI7VLdoOb6y | | juan50@dgclo.com.ar | Bunge | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan52@dgclo.com.ar | Cargill | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan53@dgclo.com.ar | Carrefour | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan54@dgclo.com.ar | Cefetra | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | dperez@anapobolivia.com | dperez | 16431e198332459d2769debf45caec07:P8GJs8jZiZrX8nZ14oH4P9pSYXZv2jO5 | | vera_08@hotmail.com | senesi | 92a8e676c0423741c102dce8b0f8d8a5:JmrJj3Lab1TEYwRKpL4oMt3NdAGESiw9 | | juan57@dgclo.com.ar | COOP | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan58@dgclo.com.ar | Danisco | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | holly_gibbs@yahoo.com | holly_gibbs | 89274c377e53ba53077573cb02d829f7:Iwp5ryJZm2M5BH2JTIRDzL1omjepVvfH | | juan60@dgclo.com.ar | Denofa | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | niels.alsted@biomar.com | niels | 5c6c0b6e3a04ded2b382ab10e0f725b1:A6krhewUlr8mdJfBJmH0I5t1BTodgV5Z | | juan62@dgclo.com.ar | FEDIOL | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | fliber@fefac.eu | FEFAC | f2d3bb9cee8f1fa61bccd987a20018d1:ZlHDC2M4dhrTSSAbged4CfsBjfHdJrYm | | juan64@dgclo.com.ar | FRIESLAND FOODS | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan65@dgclo.com.ar | Gebr Van Beek | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan66@dgclo.com.ar | GLENCORE | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan67@dgclo.com.ar | Greenergy | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | mreeve@ifc.org | IFC | d493706aa79c4c352f1afd1eb2d2370c:kAiBvYnFxkKKOemBcJSZDlOamHCFca7W | | alejandro_carvalho@sgs.com | alejandro_carvalho@sgs.com | f75f2e9b0581f4230140929334171858:DDRSCgMbndLmQUjiCMBBL6pzRtpeubjg | | maria.carty@lantmannen.com | Lantmannen | 5be774440db740ba8e50c630c1ea21d6:huL8mpgIl6Y8CyvkktMdSQW0WHTwQ5fZ | | juan71@dgclo.com.ar | Louis Dreyfus | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan72@dgclo.com.ar | MILLS | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | Monsanto@Monsanto.com | Monsanto | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan74@dgclo.com.ar | MVO | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan75@dgclo.com.ar | NESTE OIL | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan76@dgclo.com.ar | NEVEDI | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | alfredo.dabancens@ewos.com | EWOS | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan78@dgclo.com.ar | Nidera | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan79@dgclo.com.ar | Nutreco | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | steven.butts@morrisonsplc.co.uk | steven.butts | 18eb6048f77c2c97cdc0d32a55eca453:wVu2hdTsIX5DL456fuOBahArcL6LWcoD | | juan80@dgclo.com.ar | OVID | 19a696cf10f0102347e6d484806e0f95:J0oJ0MuRkHAvQuDEf0tyZnNMP4kLCoIk | | poels@superunie.nl | poelsciv | a22da903443c6cc27e1987b1d9ee1904:8qC1WiU3knkyVDZEyDI72eR3cejt7D5b | | juan82@dgclo.com.ar | RABOBANK | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan83@dgclo.com.ar | Selecta | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | Michelle.Morton@shell.com | Shell | 36deb0b967c4c629e39cc7ed10b53679:O4qlC8gL0iQpF8W4yVwbuTqOAYXUwcvu | | mon@storteboom.nl | Storteboom | 3bcae345db3e758f7537bd63006d5017:rUX8exxoKSh9CXV1ONFbYSXF9YpUI8ji | | jorge133@dgclo.com.ar | Noble Argentina | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan87@dgclo.com.ar | Swedish Dairy Association | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan88@dgclo.com.ar | Syngenta | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan90@dgclo.com.ar | UNILEVER | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan91@dgclo.com.ar | Vanden Avenne Izegem | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan92@dgclo.com.ar | VION | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | christopher.wells@santander.com.br | Grupo Santander Brasil | fd4a9a33557ceb310c1f9a35e0eb2e27:5SarEzTnxxArIWpO7pryyrHXcuEmuXdH | | lah@svenskafoder.se | svenska | 6feb077d267485063f1aba4c4d5e45ec:OCgVqwuw1oLFYglTTdxJRwD0XY0h6ClA | | vestrade@yahoo.com | Bayer CropScience | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | juan80@hotmail.com | CERT ID | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | ben.zeehandelaar2@responsiblesoy.org | bzeehandelaar | d25c25b8655e3742bf53c9a911b62a13:XVg3y8VnJJ6m8LXNnPELgYzfA8JHZzt0 | | Proforest@asd.com | Proforest | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | Instituo@asdasd.com | ICV | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | fghfgh@sad.com | EUVEPRO | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | bue-lnv@minbuza.nl | LNV | e8a2536129737275f15737c6264c63ad:YA6ZW4apXgO2FXmpyamEY9rqbXVS4ULe | | veronica.chorkulak3@responsiblesoy.org | SCS | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | green@green.com | GREENPALM | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | certified@certified.com | UTZ | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | consult@consult.com | TRACECONSULT | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | fosfa@fosfa.com | FOSFA | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | sgs@sgs.co | SGS | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | ontrol@ontrol.asd | Control Union | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | bksppl@gmail.com | Bablu Kumar | 60b333c9a279d562bdf52da8663326fd:tGyUgoF9whMan1lZh3kM0IMMLK7rx8wA | | rnobrega@inmetro.gov.br | rnobrega | c7f062492bcd36cedba5b3c757327b38:isPe7Spw5kjK4ElXWFO4xS12GP5Q5SiI | | sadsadas@sad.com | IDH | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | qsasdasd@sadasd.com | MTO | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | fervilella@gmail.com | fervilella | 80f6cd97f67fe06b26f2d306bd21b776:YmsJuyIr9tKyYVlZJABuKNQE5nNfqVlN | | SECO@aqsd.com | SECO | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | yo2@yo.com | gterol | e11525e0b22078e71ae33d504f8dcad0:DGNssWReEVD6Fwx73WVqNJQXJynIBTrQ | | yo3@yo.com | clovatelli | 4da7796cc146b52d993b6eed1b84b276:918kHr9vPATIRohFN05mNdMoKOX6CB97 | | cassio@wwf.org.br | cfranco | c24fde46583db32a1cc3282153855a93:VK4jLYoigELihnVS0BaNbdzrSa7QI4vz | | yo5@yo.com | cwells | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | yo6@yo.com | adilli | 3991a976707a1c9241b6cd3f8368a5c9:D4tdmyNI6AXa5VwKjDCPatWGwFoEbtnE | | yo7@yo.com | awunsch | 47ebce8d9a7fc6ed86aa07b3f47ae6b7:I4xhPgcZfZW7bez0O4rX1ux8LElB1eyI | | yo9@yo.com | amondal | 72db2279325685cd854095c794fa3ae0:yguvpP6GOVICCbz8ucCunnpD3HsBMrGl | | yo10@yo.com | cmagri | 588da77dd2a3d719fae930e08e9eb99d:cnXGttidEbtuVbEKJLZxG5OUMDaI3dem | | gprone@gmail.com | gprone | 8d736f9fb2635b7f768ab309db3a2119:AOeq4WlbOEQ87yHx73o9vOOVQvzrwTpG | | yo12@yo.com | jvis | b9e2f452e6e429a314f8761affde2dda:NA1hHb3pAMmKeTIFp3jCpcceCICDmTNW | | yo13@yo.com | jnicolai | 5c234de48d3dab69d338ac9ac1d7a04f:Y0XeHht7k6ZQrkaGdeF6RID73xv9ocBl | | yo14@yo.com | jshimada | 888b795a76a7d08c2262538a08ababe1:fZg4L81z7C4IkyYykoKBDRhgRT3Ke30U | | yo15@yo.com | jzubizarreta | 1b972c262664e66dcd4a6c3a1272037f:7Ps0xvTNcWQUPxKo7AYYEkex3I1liNAi | | yo17@yo.com | saguilar | 978504ae69a85fbdbf238fdbe0f4f1b8:bigRFGmePiBufEex3fe7oUSAe95YoGEx | | yo18@yo.com | ygonzalez | 1875fa7b764dacc2e5d043e6ff5f36bb:qsn6nDSV2gLtQBbzerEwHsivW6gXlUXg | | yo20@yo.com | mhermandez | 8a3432024474f4170058d9f353276337:xrNwwVee4u6AveBYy1xZYM1Uas1YMlxn | | ben.zeehandelaar@responsiblesoy.org | benzeehandelaar | 357bcdb4faf2a14eb373f8194aabfad2:8XL3dT216Qk8tDoH3UHH6HULc9NAENSs | | yo22@yo.com | cgabutti | 5074a0621361290c5a522abda54dbfc7:HkoNIBGTxUeqXl4MeOr0MSfcfLBg1Gi0 | | yo24@yo.com | gcardinot | b04514059258b69d6c28d4c50bbe4da5:Qvsu0wnwvxjQ5zHrjNnucoKp9m3Nd7E7 | | yo25@yo.com | dogrady | 6646d0f3db2607b33bb9987110d6c5b1:LUQMosPJ8kfazeExUvpHZeIoiAEl8Neg | | yo26@yo.com | RTRS | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | Chris.Brown@asda.co.uk | ASDA | f54fc303c16e95d5846d411f8aec1c08:69HzY13sWsPpZyUJ6FLvJH3Z3J5s5lc1 | | jorge126@dgclo.com.ar | Waitrose | b150e769769dec339af1d4cae1a5e99b:j5JOXLRFleFBe0d7iX76X9fJDO0ZlfsA | | jorge127@dgclo.com.ar | Wilmar International | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | wangyuchen08@126.com | Wang Yuchen | e4cd8c712eccdf1a7a0e53a108ceeef5:aIYghOVjw4jPkDGtQjrE2FyGMSI5ap81 | | jorge128@dgclo.com.ar | ForFarmers | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | jorge129@dgclo.com.ar | AB Agri | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | jorge130@dgclo.com.ar | CBL | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | anna@hotmail.com | annakarin | 0a517dded2243a078600750c20176649:aSS4hrDvt9QlMJX23gjYz8sUz6UtEjfU | | johann.zueblin@mgb.ch | Migros | bb81ebe1e1d55fefa4061f2a0dd65dbd:yYiDv6pUsEZwVhqvUN3HNhIjBfZJQmWK | | jorge132@dgclo.com.ar | Raisio | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | | sara.huying@gmail.com | Ma Honghai | 12a52e2ab25de386743230220189c25c:c2qovVMXCfv05dfQrWWHn5tAuBE9vYxp | | daniel.kazimierski@responsiblesoy.org | dkazimierski | 035cde8345653df191645544dbc38a1c:BqZOws1l3JyTD0PguBIUEo9Rhu1LX2Oh | | facundo.cativiela@responsiblesoy.org | fcativiela | e323e141dce035b2ca80337868c3076e:BbECANE70CycYD3onCU8ryxHv858f5Md | | onofre.andrade@northseagroup.com | Onofre Andrade | 673b8f2e4387369ff8d57cfd66c821af:aC4yW7KTNQ5X89t2KAPuD4trvyQr08wo | | nwebster@solae.com | Natasha Webster | 484649abc0a03c98c5dd8fb7670ff3fa:gm441QmBZFPa46yWKPKN5mSOVl18gI9a | | matias.krause@vicentin.com.ar | Mat\xedas Krause | 72757b0e071814f4039c3ea2092b9666:HhyXiZtD2VXmH7ihGmd384VTie3M2nPp | | ravil@cms-india.org | Ravinder Kumar | 3487df836a75623b6aedb92b41306056:CIIfuKLEF33xh2VbUv2e8MS3kxrHXgHC | | ceo@saphiracorp.brasil.vc | Eduardo Egisto | 363fe022499c307d680352361836e850:tx7DXCzovKwmI0cGIFbeeSVwyrhLECiB | | hdj@arlafoods.com | ulla | ce3408dfdec48c1d78134b281cd87967:Cm9au14ffHjXZFsKWZ86WCwGyQP2cZRe | | nayanranjan2000@gmail.com | Nayan Ranjan | f98bb7aa54dee32e30d8166c4be3ef35:ugJx12mvGveWzD3SZd8YKd1TYqnSpFP5 | | pablo.noceda@molinos.com.ar | Pablo Noceda | 8d2ba4d8cd77d1370bb01fa49847cd56:J17XkIqq5WLPTeoM5wtCI1CZpI10gSBL | | t.campbell@forestdisclosure.com | Tracey Campbell | 3136592ad8662bd0a303acd351240349:QOIlcBKrOpgvIljIcXECYLa3Ogbp76GR | | mathew.sebastian@indocert.org | mathew.sebastian | 197c91ee82bebc93a0cd035f5c971ce3:5RZQSPnG1avHwbrcHEMvtlTZSl7fDM5S | | marjo.broertjes@klm.copm | marjo | 40a84e0cc5799b8f77ee768a0941e8d1:o9dnNrt7RKYPxgkhx0QAwgZ4FLfApYpX | | dca@institutogenesis.org.br | dca | 0916c71ad166eda639e1028ff021655d:Rxd9OHSaG7rIOaTLFV9hEiJw4dq65dJm | | christian.soding@schutterarg.com.ar | Christian Soding | b1701105174ef85bf483238aec2f1f2d:v4oBJDmWIa9HxhvbUvFwgZXJxMj3BT1b | | angelaorlando@greenlab.com.ar | \xc1ngela Orlando | 98fb7cd817adef95e800ab19e7237c5d:Fv06tzBbq1sKARVr7HvylcPXUhYRUZnM | | info@lsqanet.com | Jorge Arismendi | 2aa5d71e72c8fb6d408f17b5efad98e0:VCZj8K6tv4kkqW4wTe7SX3SgG11X6yb0 | | Christoph.Tamandl@nestle.com | Christoph Tamandl | 9c8b096afb589e61844256203065a2a1:bS1Tn11piWsW8xYOG0crQumnPonkIRqF | | info@redflint.com.ar | AlejandroBravo | 48f6f8b33c3aaf6f326a6488402ffb1e:VLfqx5mZHy6gfvmlDbQFLs3glMxf1m03 | | jimena.couto@responsiblesoy.org | jimenacouto | 2b2d48b5d475874087fc4781dcd9ba84:XZwYs4ZJkLdNbyW84rsW39hHw0qNHvZP | | manishshankar@accessdev.org | Shanker | e4287f884cf5409d0772f129cb91a555:8S4byltyMzrGZwH8RsdyMsJZMb201nC2 | | jlopezforastier@deloitte.com | forastier | 9e8a1e9bc0a86ac25e9bb2c642b03268:Qjsp5dEsBwaLfYsQ2y5unMwuKWxqiGdn | | asa.domeij@axfood.se | Domeij | 58d3c606bef8a83f3603fcd204756df1:6LtDkmvJSCnth4vWGbVCQhvavmNIGZqj | | fff@hotmail.com | RODRIGUES | 7a5b8fb20e87654cbe17e43e3487d103:qOFMIQpkrpc5ZXHDlL2IvfRIjHee8zqq | | ffffff@hotmail.com | Arias | ad052dbd4422a369449b6886fc04d770:KBbiFe8bhRm1xmAv7R9hKKTpjH2IPgxo | | Claire@hotmail.com | bramley | dc3cffb05a3896798b6ccac9f8b5d07f:qougaB1yZLrMv1cnBMKgzgKElpUcSqhK | | johan.declerck@vandemoortele.com | johan.declerck | b2c5dec3640622483a9d99df67be6b40:KDoaJaLdcpfIA7dWCNUHz7dtxtqS679M | | marta.paz@ar.bureauveritas.com | martapaz | 35ba36ca2d5ec975502911cd72defacf:ZkftI8C4DDFS2uNS626H2je4cCgpzlNA | | idep@idep.gov.ar | Juanluis | bf9d8a4cbfa36dceee3cc356afbefd76:3Kcm3LkawI3T3o3ezFCAilbcgrmCweRJ | | laura.somerville@fauna-flora.org | lauraso | 844ef559d222fe99e3ed587b66c97679:8fni1c25SAE4moshFpVlWXo9Tab2IPNV | | khoppener@enkco.com | khoppener | a142ae367c36207e56e05ee600ea6082:V10Wy5OlTJfMmRuSM4fZMJ1HhSDb35Xh | | andrew.young@co-operative.coop | andrew.young | 064c3811d914009e957fa7d8662fa490:B0GIt0Ayckhqg7Pqq71NHJU8TFj0o9ev | | t.wagenaar@natuurenmilieu.nl | twagenaar | dae170489d209c37ec86642c6985b733:684auYZUXTe8xFFOSqkkSyYel9ytdman | | leonardo.ventorin@insolo.com.br | ventorin | dfa84a9c366b74a67dd8ad8417ae00f9:18GoZ7203TlaaY58BNnzYP7ojgkMpxK8 | | veronica.chorkulak@responsiblesoy.org | vchorkulak | ec7489fc7d34151b2396b8c2ef7fba40:63IOws9qh6XD0xr03DijaS2XrS7718th | | cecilia.garcianistor@responsiblesoy.org | cgarcia | 8c7266d219800b3cf2c97577c9971b90:MRlT8hBDto8GRKF6IBC6q5dEMFwRp2oS | | Nilofer@hcvnetwork.org | Nilofer@hcvnetwork.org | 1a96cc6e39af0f3bd2ebacdad9520a75:F1q8XUGqqifgRzJ4XZVUrA4X2oQuqG60 | | josiane@talhamar.com | josiane@talhamar.com | 58e61b6415d04ac25c33ba379187add8:MD4ehoQ9wFKF0SHAn9qakft2XVcmEFhx | | bkretschmer@ieep.eu | bkretschmer@ieep.eu | fa0866c987aaf4fd4dd5dcc1132016d0:O6TURDlpeGkvYoZFyN7BpSbuUJBQVJDI | | dawn@proforest.net | dawn@proforest.net | cc6a6f3b282dce699b1418db8d082e43:Fj5eLSIz2bgdbnH7J1ff6sDUXKGbhxX6 | | yo@uol.com | john.landers@uol.com.br | c92a800e4f9af5619dddb32b38ca0f88:TXYYfSWhhsMHn0IKCB4PaCHMReKLcbgH | | Brasilenho@hotmail.com | Brasilenho@hotmail.com | 603af3bdfd4f54bd3cba429d204be3a2:HuxGKT4f3dvmaSU7wPuIUzqHPjBbnGVL | | m_araujo@hotmail.com | maraujo@hotmail.com | f87db518f27668f88feb9ba77da357ea:XMUBJflvz1I5kvTSAR99wA78aKcA6HxU | | agrisust@vidasilvestre.org.ar | agrisust@vidasilvestre.org.ar | 728c945aac2e98912177b2a5548be792:SP2FzxEWsUqnB2VuHtLJToXsgkmPyRYh | | jayprakash@asabhopal.org | BIJAWAR | e69b7648ef2d9a65beed656c03a48e30:19ly6Asdo12JNMSevwepDZdotO9UrAjx | | edwirges@caramuru.com | Caramuru | 778614c0c3edd9a1b7955ebfb98a95de:mqqRyuFLmMEXS0Gj9EUTbZjeZFyQucLW | | n.nielen@cono.nl | Cheesemakers | 50a00030ebbf25c989811b4f6e00ab02:H7rI1tWAiSpxBOiCZdbxG11y3kACFnnW | | praveen@asabhopal.org | praveen | efa3ffe87ecab8b7b85b0be544a266a4:il8GoppdfMe4aQRlWBMvh0BO1jN0lOk6 | | andrerbartocci@gmail.com | andrerbartocci | 1f64591a5ca4d027f7d049150b0ac6ad:z5ZT9ckkYN2GFpLETklU3QOjE24V98xo | | celsoroquetto@gmail.com | celsoroquetto | a0e01adca2d3fa5cbe0dd11aefbb8360:E6fAJZupfUQcKrY8Lz64FViWKGT61oxy | | fcnudde@dow.com | fcnudde | 84be2f526ee90021914635684a23419b:X2wyXkkVtKmdIaQlTSVRFohUrLIS46Tv | | jan@jhgreen.com.ar | jan | bf661a66e9e771e33a96c03e82e6daf1:gZHOyCNiblP1zX41U49xNKop1ZULPy2a | | christel.cederberg@sik.se | christel.cederberg | b2e07e68349c07cec54737c042fb8fc1:Yy1MTUdDo0mzp0OTMmYzOqyg8IM4aUek | | antonio.angelo@macalconsultoria.com.br | antonio.angelo | e6e5f3fe4d227cd6fc9566b803f9d768:mAMxTh6fxLiRiPXn2MxWeL7nB558DgkM | | sfriebel@delhaizegroup.com | sfriebel | d0e8cfd83a500e9f9b600305b2a5452f:ElDwn7bftxeFEdfKrltgkuCbZLiv5ycT | | johan.denhartog@gmpplus.org | johan.denhartog | 50512acff70ba4e92b2dc2e99bdca44d:3OnLB1buqwRiU0OoLPzV8jBJZlnkMmhZ | | vera_08@gmail.com | paul | 0a7bbe3d41004b2e98eb9ceb83028428:iF1xySmWFAB8joxJIPAEyyvuQhcaBBHc | | nbetts@gfo.ca | nickbetts | f51e5f26de15cf7fc5ae5b74844b12d2:c6rT1nbSG8etEaAe72e2DbPzs5UddDkm | +-----------------------------------------+--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------------------------+ | email | +-----------------------------------------+ | acsoja@bcr.com.ar | | agrisust@vidasilvestre.org.ar | | alejandro_carvalho@sgs.com | | alfredo.dabancens@ewos.com | | andrerbartocci@gmail.com | | andrew.young@co-operative.coop | | angelaorlando@greenlab.com.ar | | anna@hotmail.com | | antonio.angelo@macalconsultoria.com.br | | artur.rocha@supercargo.pt | | asa.domeij@axfood.se | | ben.zeehandelaar2@responsiblesoy.org | | ben.zeehandelaar@responsiblesoy.org | | bkretschmer@ieep.eu | | bksppl@gmail.com | | Brasilenho@hotmail.com | | bue-lnv@minbuza.nl | | caio@ethos.org.br | | cassio@wwf.org.br | | cecilia.garcianistor@responsiblesoy.org | | celsoroquetto@gmail.com | | ceo@saphiracorp.brasil.vc | | certified@certified.com | | Chris.Brown@asda.co.uk | | christel.cederberg@sik.se | | christian.soding@schutterarg.com.ar | | Christoph.Tamandl@nestle.com | | christopher.wells@santander.com.br | | Claire@hotmail.com | | consult@consult.com | | daniel.kazimierski@responsiblesoy.org | | daniel.meyer@responsiblesoy.org | | dawn@proforest.net | | dca@institutogenesis.org.br | | delfina.ogrady@responsiblesoy.org | | dperez@anapobolivia.com | | edwirges@caramuru.com | | erica.alvarez@cotecna.com.ar | | facundo.cativiela@responsiblesoy.org | | fcnudde@dow.com | | fervilella@gmail.com | | fff@hotmail.com | | ffffff@hotmail.com | | fghfgh@sad.com | | fliber@fefac.eu | | fosfa@fosfa.com | | gorgen@ribeiraosa.com.br | | gprone@gmail.com | | green@green.com | | hdj@arlafoods.com | | holly_gibbs@yahoo.com | | ianholder@inspec-group.com | | idep@idep.gov.ar | | info@lsqanet.com | | info@redflint.com.ar | | Instituo@asdasd.com | | jan@jhgreen.com.ar | | jayprakash@asabhopal.org | | jeroen.douglas@solidaridad.nl | | jimena.couto@responsiblesoy.org | | jlopezforastier@deloitte.com | | johan.declerck@vandemoortele.com | | johan.denhartog@gmpplus.org | | johann.zueblin@mgb.ch | | jorge126@dgclo.com.ar | | jorge127@dgclo.com.ar | | jorge128@dgclo.com.ar | | jorge129@dgclo.com.ar | | jorge130@dgclo.com.ar | | jorge132@dgclo.com.ar | | jorge133@dgclo.com.ar | | josiane@talhamar.com | | juan10@dgclo.com.ar | | juan11@dgclo.com.ar | | juan12@dgclo.com.ar | | juan13@dgclo.com.ar | | juan15@dgclo.com.ar | | juan17@dgclo.com.ar | | juan18@dgclo.com.ar | | juan19@dgclo.com.ar | | juan1@dgclo.com.ar | | juan21@dgclo.com.ar | | juan23@dgclo.com.ar | | juan24@dgclo.com.ar | | juan26@dgclo.com.ar | | juan27@dgclo.com.ar | | juan28@dgclo.com.ar | | juan29@dgclo.com.ar | | juan31@dgclo.com.ar | | juan35@dgclo.com.ar | | juan36@dgclo.com.ar | | juan42@dgclo.com.ar | | juan44@dgclo.com.ar | | juan50@dgclo.com.ar | | juan52@dgclo.com.ar | | juan53@dgclo.com.ar | | juan54@dgclo.com.ar | | juan57@dgclo.com.ar | | juan58@dgclo.com.ar | | juan5@dgclo.com.ar | | juan60@dgclo.com.ar | | juan62@dgclo.com.ar | | juan64@dgclo.com.ar | | juan65@dgclo.com.ar | | juan66@dgclo.com.ar | | juan67@dgclo.com.ar | | juan71@dgclo.com.ar | | juan72@dgclo.com.ar | | juan74@dgclo.com.ar | | juan75@dgclo.com.ar | | juan76@dgclo.com.ar | | juan78@dgclo.com.ar | | juan79@dgclo.com.ar | | juan7@dgclo.com.ar | | juan80@dgclo.com.ar | | juan80@hotmail.com | | juan82@dgclo.com.ar | | juan83@dgclo.com.ar | | juan87@dgclo.com.ar | | juan88@dgclo.com.ar | | juan8@dgclo.com.ar | | juan90@dgclo.com.ar | | juan91@dgclo.com.ar | | juan92@dgclo.com.ar | | juan9@dgclo.com.ar | | juan@dgclo.com.ar | | khoppener@enkco.com | | lah@svenskafoder.se | | laura.somerville@fauna-flora.org | | leonardo.ventorin@insolo.com.br | 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Name | \\?a0 | Mariana Escobar |
\\?a0 | marieu82@yahoo.com | |
Phone | \\?a0 | |
Subject | \\?a0 | Interview on Sustainable SOyu Initiatives in the Region |
Message | \\?a0 | I’m an analyst at the Center for Entreprises and Industry (University of Montpellier). I’m travelling around Brazil and Argentina meeting different NGOs working on Sustainable Alternatives for Soy production, as part of an academic research project. I will be in Bs. As. Monday 30th and the morning of Tues 31st of May. I would like to do an interview with you and the work of RTRS in the sector. I could meet you at the RTRS offices at the time and day that fits you best. Please confirm |
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\\?a0 | \\?a0 | \\?a0 |
Name | \\?a0 | Thomas Redick |
\\?a0 | tpr@geeclaw.com | |
Phone | \\?a0 | not available |
Subject | \\?a0 | Request for Monday meeting |
Message | \\?a0 | Dear Mr. Zeehandelaar,\r \r I am counsel to the United Soybean and American Soybean Association, in Argentina for speeches. Can I meet with you Monday June 27 (BA)? (pardon my short notice, but my laptop was stolen and it slowed me down). I am interested in learning more about the RTRS and how it is approaching the data demands of EU and other overseas markets for GHG emissions.\r \r Jason Clay (WWF) has discussed ASA-USB involvement with RTRS with me before.\r \r ATB,\r \r Tom Redick\r tpr@geeclaw.com |
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\\?a0 | \\?a0 | \\?a0 |
Name | \\?a0 | Helen Fleming |
\\?a0 | helen.fleming@uk.tesco.com | |
Phone | \\?a0 | 441992 806588 |
Subject | \\?a0 | Consumer Goods Forum |
Message | \\?a0 | Dear Ben\r I would like to send you a message about the work I am leading on behalf of the Consumer Goods Forum on sustainable sourcing of soy. Would you please be able to send me your e-mail address>\r Thanks\r Helen |
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\\?a0 | \\?a0 | \\?a0 |
Name | \\?a0 | Phil Thane |
\\?a0 | phil@pthane.co.uk | |
Phone | \\?a0 | 01978861677 |
Subject | \\?a0 | Biofuels International |
Message | \\?a0 | Thanks for taking time to talk to me yesterday, it's given me a lot of back ground info. you mentioned you'd send me some PR and other details, but I realise my name/email is a bit odd so here theya re again.\r \r Thanks. |
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\\?a0 | \\?a0 | \\?a0 |
Name | \\?a0 | FRANCIS VALVERDE |
Phone | \\?a0 | 971249455 |
Subject | \\?a0 | TESIS |
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\\?a0 | \\?a0 | \\?a0 |
Name | \\?a0 | Anne Gabriel |
\\?a0 | AnneGabriel@rspo.org | |
Phone | \\?a0 | |
Subject | \\?a0 | opening channels of communications |
Message | \\?a0 | Dear Ben \r \r I am Anne Gabriel - Communications Director of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil. I thought it would beneficial if we were both connected given our synergistic objectives within the roundtables. for possible collaboration and perhaps, simply insights sharing. always, more good can come out of reaching out rather than closing doors. look forward to hearing from you. Anne Gabriel |
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\\?a0 | \\?a0 | \\?a0 |
Name | \\?a0 | Regina Cleary |
\\?a0 | clearyr@osborn-barr.com | |
Phone | \\?a0 | 314-489-8933 |
Subject | \\?a0 | USB 20-year event |
Message | \\?a0 | Agustin - I have you slotted to attend the United Soybean Board 20-year recognition event on Monday December 5th but unfortunately, I can not find your registration form. Can yo please contact me to let me know you still plan to attend and if you will need a hotel room. Thank you |
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\\?a0 | \\?a0 | \\?a0 |
Name | \\?a0 | Birgit Wilhelm |
\\?a0 | birgit.wilhelm@wwf.de | |
Phone | \\?a0 | +49 30311777226 |
Subject | \\?a0 | GMO free certification soya |
Message | \\?a0 | Dear Ben Zeelhandelaar,\r Martina Fleckenstein asked me to contact you for following request. WWF Germany will assign someone to do a comparison of GMO free soya certifications: Intertek, Basler Kriterien and RTRS. For this we need a contact person for questions and an interview at RTRS. \r Please let me know whether you are interested in and who will be the contact person?\r For any further questions don't hesitate to contact me.\r Thank you very much.\r With best regards.\r Birgit Wilhelm |
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\\?a0 | \\?a0 | \\?a0 |
Name | \\?a0 | Mercedes NAttero |
\\?a0 | mercedes.nattero@vidasilvestre.org.ar | |
Phone | \\?a0 | |
Subject | \\?a0 | Pedido de Lasse |
Message | \\?a0 | Hola Ben\r hablamos hace un rato, tengo un ppt actualizado para mandarte que le estoy enviando a Lasse ahora, pero no tengo tu direccion de mail. Me respond\xe9s a mi direcci\xf3n as\xed te lo mando?\r gracias!\r M |
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\\?a0 | \\?a0 | \\?a0 |
Name | \\?a0 | Emmanuelle Cheyns |
\\?a0 | cheyns@cirad.fr | |
Phone | \\?a0 | |
Subject | \\?a0 | RT7 |
Message | \\?a0 | Dear Ben,\r I would like to know if it is possible to beneficiate a discount to participate in RTRS conference in UK. I am working in a public research center in France (CIRAD) and would like to attend the conference for my research.\r Best regards, Emmanuelle Cheyns |
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\\?a0 | \\?a0 | \\?a0 |
\\?a0 | \\?a0 | \\?a0 |
Name | \\?a0 | Birgit Wilhelm |
\\?a0 | birgit.wilhelm@wwf.de | |
Phone | \\?a0 | |
Subject | \\?a0 | contact |
Message | \\?a0 | Dear Daniel Meyer,\r working for WWF Germany on sustainable agriculture. Soy is at the moment on of my main subjects. I read your interessting interview on Forest Conversion News Nr. 34.\r WWF Germany is looking for non-Gm responsible soy and you said you are working on this issue. Looking forward to hear from you.\r Best regards.\r Birgit |
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\\?a0 | \\?a0 | \\?a0 |
Name | \\?a0 | Marlene |
\\?a0 | aprosoja@aprosoja.com.br | |
Phone | \\?a0 | 65 99791836 |
Subject | \\?a0 | oficio |
Message | \\?a0 | Preciso enviar um of\xedcio para o Sr. Augustin Mascareno, favor me passar o e-mail dele com urg\xeancia. |
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\\?a0 | \\?a0 | \\?a0 |
Name | \\?a0 | David Bilenca |
\\?a0 | dbilenca@ege.fcen.uba.ar | |
Phone | \\?a0 | |
Subject | \\?a0 | Solicitud de asistencia como oyente al EB meeting en Buenos Aires |
Message | \\?a0 | Hola Ben, \r \r \xbfc\xf3mo est\xe1s? Espero que este mensaje te encuentre bien. \r \r Quer\xeda consultarte si existe la posibilidad de que Ulises Mart\xednez y yo podamos asistir como oyentes en representaci\xf3n de la Fundaci\xf3n Vida Silvestre Argentina al pr\xf3ximo EB meeting de la RTRS que se realizar\xe1 en Buenos Aires.\r \r \xbfConsider\xe1s que eso es factible?\r \r Te mando un abrazo y gracias,\r \r David Bilenca |
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\\?a0 | \\?a0 | \\?a0 |
Name | \\?a0 | Barb Anderson |
\\?a0 | anderagcom@sbcglobal.net | |
Phone | \\?a0 | |
Subject | \\?a0 | Progressive Farmer Article |
Message | \\?a0 | Good afternoon -- I am working on an article for Progressive Farmer magazine in the U.S. about sustainable soy trends, and would like to interview someone with RTRS. I am happy to send questions and work via email or do a phone interview. I would like to complete the interview within the next few days. I also will provide a copy of the article for review prior to publication. Thanks. |
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\\?a0 | \\?a0 | \\?a0 |
Name | \\?a0 | Lasse Henriksen |
\\?a0 | lfh.dbp@cbs.dk | |
Phone | \\?a0 | |
Subject | \\?a0 | interview request |
Message | \\?a0 | Dear Mr Meyer I am writing to request an interview with regards to your professional experience biofuels standards. Our research team is conducting a study on processes of international standardization in the expanding biofuel sector and on the role of scientists and professionals in coordinating efficient policies. Best Lasse Folke Henriksen Department of Business and Politics Copenhagen Business School Lfh.dbp@cbs.dk |
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\\?a0 | \\?a0 | \\?a0 |
Name | \\?a0 | Liz Crosbie |
\\?a0 | l.crosbie@strategic-environmental.co.uk | |
Phone | \\?a0 | +44 1223 852460 |
Subject | \\?a0 | RTRS Certificate Prices |
Message | \\?a0 | Dear Agustin\r \r I hope you have been well since Heathrow and the last RT. Just doing a project and need estimated costs of RTRS certificates but don't have a log in. So can you give me an estimate of trading prices now please. Thanks very much.\r \r Kind regards,\r \r Liz Crosbie |
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\\?a0 | \\?a0 | \\?a0 |
Name | \\?a0 | Ricardo N\xf3brega |
\\?a0 | rnobrega@inmetro.gov.br | |
Phone | \\?a0 | 55 21 25635604 |
Subject | \\?a0 | Acredita\xe7\xe3o |
Message | \\?a0 | Gostaria de conversar com voc\xea sobre escopo de acredita\xe7\xe3o, particularmente quando envolve diretiva EU RED RTRS e m\xf3dulo FEMAS na cadeia de cust\xf3dia. Obrigado |
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Name | \\?a0 | Ricardo Harduim |
\\?a0 | harduim@prima.org.br | |
Phone | \\?a0 | (21)9962-1922 |
Subject | \\?a0 | PARCERIA PRIMA |
Message | \\?a0 | Sr. Daniel, Participei da RTRS representando a minha ONG num evento em Assun\xe7\xe3o. Minha inten\xe7\xe3o \xe9 reaproximar-me do processo e para isso gostaria da sua gentileza em orientar-me. Outro motivo \xe9 que desenvolvemos mais de 50 projetos CARBONO ZERO aqui no Brasil e tamb\xe9m a 1\xaa Escola 'neutra em carbono' no Chile. Talvez haja caminhos para firmarmos a PARCERIA RTRS/PRIMA para oferecermos a metodologia a quem interessar. Aguardo suas considera\xe7\xf5es. Grato. Ricardo Harduim www.prima.org.b |
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\\?a0 | \\?a0 | \\?a0 |
Name | \\?a0 | John Bonacorsi |
\\?a0 | john.bonacorsi@arabellaadvisors.com | |
Phone | \\?a0 | |
Subject | \\?a0 | Arabella Advisors interview request |
Message | \\?a0 | My name is John Bonacorsi, and I am an analyst at Arabella Advisors. We are currently working with the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to help them gain a better understanding of seafood, beef, and soy supply chains and the nature of systems for tracing the origin of products in these industries. Heather Wright at the foundation identified you as someone we should speak with. Might you contribute 45 minutes of your time to discuss your thoughts and perspectives on the topic? |
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\\?a0 | \\?a0 | \\?a0 |
Name | \\?a0 | Rosana Elias |
\\?a0 | rosana.elias@sancroft.com | |
Phone | \\?a0 | 07528713139 |
Subject | \\?a0 | Responsible Sourcing of Soy Policy |
Message | \\?a0 | My name is Rosana and I work for a Sustainability Consultancy called Sancroft in London. I have written a 'best practice' generic policy for the responsible sourcing of soy and have mentioned RTRS as a credible certification option. I wonder whether you might be able to just look over the policy if I were to send it to you and offer some feedback or comment? The policy is only three pages long and should take only half an hour. \r Many thanks and best wishes, \r Rosana |
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\\?a0 | \\?a0 | \\?a0 |
Name | \\?a0 | Rosana Elias |
\\?a0 | rosana.elias@sancroft.com | |
Phone | \\?a0 | 00442079607902 |
Subject | \\?a0 | Policy - Responsible Sourcing of Soy |
Message | \\?a0 | My name is Rosana and I work for a Sustainability Consultancy called Sancroft in London. I have written a 'best practice' generic policy for the responsible sourcing of soy and have mentioned RTRS as a credible certification option. I wonder whether you might be able to just look over the policy if I were to send it to you and offer some feedback or comment? The policy is only three pages long and should take only half an hour. \r Many thanks and best wishes, \r Rosana |
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\\?a0 | \\?a0 | \\?a0 |
Name | \\?a0 | Rosana Elias |
\\?a0 | rosana.elias@sancroft.com | |
Phone | \\?a0 | 00442079607902 |
Subject | \\?a0 | Responsible Sourcing of Soy - Policy |
Message | \\?a0 | My name is Rosana and I work for a Sustainability Consultancy called Sancroft in London. I have written a 'best practice' generic policy for the responsible sourcing of soy and have mentioned RTRS as a credible certification option. I wonder whether you might be able to just look over the policy if I were to send it to you and offer some feedback or comment? The policy is only three pages long and should take only half an hour. \r Many thanks and best wishes, \r Rosana |
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\\?a0 | \\?a0 | \\?a0 |
Name | \\?a0 | Livia Dantas |
\\?a0 | livdan@um.dk | |
Phone | \\?a0 | |
Subject | \\?a0 | RTRS Brasil. |
Message | \\?a0 | Prezado Daniel,\r \r Meu nome \xe9 Livia Dantas e eu respondo por temas de Meio Ambiente na Embaixada da Dinamarca em Bras\xedlia.\r \r A Embaixada entra em contato, pois gostaria de saber qual a posi\xe7\xe3o das autoridades brasileiras em rela\xe7\xe3o ao padr\xe3o RTRS. A iniciativa \xe9 vista como promotora da produ\xe7\xe3o sustent\xe1vel de soja ou eles s\xe3o cr\xedticos da iniciativa?\r \r Espero ouvir do senhor em breve.\r \r Desde j\xe1 agrade\xe7o.\r \r Atenciosamente,\r \r Livia Dantas |
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\\?a0 | \\?a0 | \\?a0 |
Name | \\?a0 | Victor Vecchi |
\\?a0 | victorvecchi@gmail.com | |
Phone | \\?a0 | 011-1549494690 |
Subject | \\?a0 | contacto |
Message | \\?a0 | Ver\xf3nica, Nos conocimos en la presentaci\xf3n de Sustentia d\xedas atr\xe1s y me compromet\xed a escribirles. Bueno, no encontr\xe9 las direcciones as\xed que me pongo en contacto por esta v\xeda. Me interesar\xeda reunirme con ustedes en vistas al futuro. Saludo cordial Victor |
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\\?a0 | \\?a0 | \\?a0 |
Name | \\?a0 | Victor Vecchi |
\\?a0 | victorvecchi@gmail.com | |
Phone | \\?a0 | 011-1549494690 |
Subject | \\?a0 | contacto |
Message | \\?a0 | Jimena, como est\xe1s? D\xedas atr\xe1s me compromet\xed a contactarme con ustedes y finalmente no ten\xeda sus direcciones. Como hablamkos ese d\xeda, me interesa reunirme con ustedes en vistas al futuro. Acabo de enviarle un mensaje similar a Ver\xf3nica por esta v\xeda. Saludo cordial Victor |
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\\?a0 | \\?a0 | \\?a0 |
Name | \\?a0 | xxx |
\\?a0 | dkazimierski@hotmail.com | |
Phone | \\?a0 | xx |
Subject | \\?a0 | xx |
Message | \\?a0 | xx |
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Name | \\?a0 | Jes\xfas Castrillo |
\\?a0 | contacto@jesuscastrillo.com.ar | |
Phone | \\?a0 | |
Subject | \\?a0 | Jornada de Sustentabilidad - 21 de noviembre |
Message | \\?a0 | Cordial saludo, en virtud de la Jornada de Sustentabilidad del 21-11-2013, le consulto si requerir\xe1 Servicio de Locuci\xf3n.\r \r Le invito a conocer m\xe1s detalles de mi desempe\xf1o profesional en http://www.jesuscastrillo.com.ar/ \r Gracias por la atenci\xf3n y quedo a la espera de vuestra respuesta, buena jornada\r Agenda 2013 - Pr\xf3ximo Evento\r \r 14-11 - Conducci\xf3n del Encuentro PENSEMOS EN MARKETING, el Evento de Marketing m\xe1s importante del interior del Pa\xeds. Lugar: Hotel Ros To |
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