: This is a user created chat room. : Displaying last messages ... Btcwarrior: lol Matty123: HAHA bricio: lol bricio: hehe bricio: no ay problema Btcwarrior: was looking at dora toys for my daughters christmas, apparently the talking backpack has been recalled as it says "ola wetback" bricio: rings the bell ... gazadon4: rings the bell ... Btcwarrior: rings the bell ... Matty123: no problema, hablar es tu contente? gazadon4: lol at BTC warrior Matty123: I dunno if I phrased that well, its been a while since spanish gazadon4: pretty racist toy ** opinok has joined the room ... gazadon4: or back pack ** Papo has joined the room ... BTC ProTip: Donate 0.02BTC to teamfresh to have a custom array built for you into lucy to advertise your link! Btcwarrior: yeah, i actually had to google what that meant :O opinok: hi guys ... Btcwarrior: ola ** SirMephisto has joined the room ... bricio: na verdad yo soy brasileno pero que hablo un poquito de spanol mas me gusta lo portugues bricio: haha Matty123: would anyone want to donate some btcs to me cause I'm so awesome?... Btcwarrior: bamba bamba, , , Matty123: ahhhh ** gazadon4 has left the room ... bricio: _ ** gazadon4 has joined the room ... Matty123: portuges, no… uhhh I don't speak that... Btcwarrior: sorry, but any time i see spanish, i just think of la bamba BTC ProTip: Score some coin and have some fun at http://www.rainingbitcoin.com Matty123: except the little I learned from Archer :P Matty123: he isn't speaking spanish I guess, its portuguese TimeWalker: Please donate money to me, I could quickly walk in time and look if BTC is going up ** AnAnarchist has left the room ... oneinamillion: telemundooooo Btcwarrior: Please donate BTC to me, coz i can quickly erm... fuck TimeWalker: XD Matty123: if someone has a BTC cent to invest and wants to make a BTC cent, send me a wiser :P oneinamillion: we have some comedies in chat today Matty123: wisper;gawddamnit Btcwarrior: £411 gbp for 1btc now :O up almost 100 since yest Matty123: I try oneina, I try... Matty123: <<< hence the smiley avatar Btcwarrior: lol ** samwap has joined the room ... BTC ProTip: donate 0.01BTC to teamfresh to put your link here for a year! ** Matty123 has joined the room ... samwap: hello opinok u there Matty123: I want to talk to TF, RIGHT NOW... gazadon4: whats your BTC address matty? oneinamillion: hes dead oneinamillion: oooooo jk Matty123: lol you gunna send me some really? samwap: what happn matty123 oneinamillion: oh wait you meant teamfresh gazadon4: I'll send a few cents samwap: hello opinok u there oneinamillion: thought you meant Tradefortress Matty123: 15g6kArES1EiDEk4rPhDLoVeZ3BXgqeVbr <<< LOVE DOCTOR :D TimeWalker: Matty: He'll probably give you a satoshi :P BTC ProTip: http://www.mmoffs.com - Make Money Online For Free System Matty123: I wanna start a faucet soon with that addy gazadon4: matty will tell you how uch i send him lol gazadon4: PirateKitteh: Papo estas? TimeWalker: Probably a BTC now or something Papo: sisi como andas pirate? TimeWalker: Hnnngh TimeWalker: Oh no Pirate is here. Can you finally mute bricio? :v Matty123: and even taking on a .00000001 transaction to whatever else you send money to would help me out. Papo: » opinok: hello Papo: » opinok: you still have the script to sell? Matty123: (keep in mind people you can send .00000001 as a transaction and the .0001 dust fee covers it regardless) PirateKitteh: Bien Papo he decidido que ya no quiero participar en este chat, pero si deseas buscanos en IRC amigo Papo: » PirateKitteh: q paso que ya no vas a participar? Matty123: … you know, so donate if you are betting or buying something, or even just swapping funds between addys and want a extra anon exit port. :D BTC ProTip: Donate 0.02BTC to teamfresh to have a custom array built for you into lucy to advertise your link! ** DocRockulus has joined the room ... opinok: » papo: yes papo cilebadrun: lol Papo: » opinok: how much do you want for it? Papo: » opinok: and how are the requeriments to make profitable the script Papo: » PirateKitteh: tuviste algun problema en el chat? PirateKitteh: » Papo: Es que aqui la gente no escuchan a los mods ni saben leer las reglas. Prefiero estar en IRC donde no permitan spam y idiotas masterdt: i wish to be in the happy monday. PirateKitteh: Happy Monday masterdt Matty123: its almost happy monday time... masterdt: yeah PirateKitteh Papo: » PirateKitteh: si te entiendo es una lastima oneinamillion: didnt it already pass? cilebadrun: fast oneinamillion: the little event BTC ProTip: http://bitcoinwork.info/earn-free-bitcoin.html - Easy ways to earn Bitcoin and more! opinok: » papo: first you must have a way to change your IP (dynamic IP) by a router that has a restart (connect/disconnect or IP renewal) then you will need Mozilla Firefox with iMacros (addon) cilebadrun: but not 10sec got btc lol masterdt: i have miss too many happy mondays. lucy: its a fact that happy mondays are good for your health Matty123: my server time says 18:20... cilebadrun: maybe 1-3m Matty123: doesn't it start at 21:00 cilebadrun: where do u from ? Papo: » PirateKitteh: bueno en cuanto pueda voy a andar por el chat asi te contacto Matty123: Mountain Standard Time Papo: » PirateKitteh: todavia estoy esperando que perk me pague para pasarte tu parte masterdt: lol @lucy opinok: » papo: and the script that i wrote ... thats all cilebadrun: lol TimeWalker: Happy Monday was already in the morning if I'm not mistaken. PirateKitteh: Bueno pues Papo....a vez y cuando me vas a ver aqui pero ya no me importa que basura ponen aqui Matty123: She's pretty funny BTC ProTip: http://www.zazzle.com/dnatureofdtrain the DNatureofDTrain Zazzle Store Papo: » opinok: ok i will tell a friend that need something like that Papo: » opinok: a what price? cilebadrun: btc down opinok: » papo: we can work up a price if you can provide the requirements Matty123: so its not 21:00-23:00 ** samwap has left the room ... Papo: » opinok: ok i will tell my friend because i dont have the requeriments masterdt: vos sois rico PirateKitteh? TimeWalker: Nope opinok: » papo: i'd say 0.15 but i can sell it to you for 0.1 ** DocRockulus has left the room ... cilebadrun: go go go Matty123: AWWWWWW (dies a little inside) BTC ProTip: http://www.zazzle.com/dnatureofdtrain the DNatureofDTrain Zazzle Store cilebadrun: up up up oneinamillion: man 1000 sat would had been great Papo: » PirateKitteh: bueno aunq no te encuentre tan seguido espero seguir encontrandote por aca cilebadrun: haha Papo: » PirateKitteh: si no es muy aburrido el chat oneinamillion: boo-yah Papo: » opinok: ok i will contact you later Papo: » opinok: thank you very much samwap: so sad masterdt samwap: i wanna talk to opinok Matty123: Hey Kitteh are you here// do you have TF's ear right now? PirateKitteh: » Papo : eres buena gente Papo ... sigue asi y siempre me encuentras en coinpr0n.com ** samwap has joined the room ... Matty123: I got a great idea for site...//chat TimeWalker: His ear? :P BTC ProTip: http://theorb.biz - Absolutely free Bitcoins! said the ORB! cilebadrun: paw samwap: matty what is ur idea Matty123: its an expression time walker… :P PirateKitteh: Matty123 see my post in the forum. I am not going to give a shit what happens in chat or on forums anymore ** oneinamillion has left the room ... masterdt: yep samwap i'm a regular here but my luck not let me be here when the money flow. Matty123: I want to see if he can implement a tip function in chat… sorta like CC but with his 'freshcoins' opinok: » papo: ok no problem ... you can send me mail to llllloading@gmail.com if you cant find me here samwap: i m luckily use to come over here on every monday cilebadrun: here many free btc http://easybitco.in/forum?v=topic/74 PirateKitteh: Because you dont have a life TimeWalker: What the... samwap: hmm that nice idea matty Matty123: @priatekitteh, I will, but I am sad to hear that your going to be giving less of a shit cause I like your moderator skills. ** samwap has joined the room ... BTC ProTip: http://goo.gl/Cc9Tu - coinurl - Free Bitcoins for shrinking links! Matty123: -off to forum- cilebadrun: die ? oneinamillion: PirateKitteh: So feel free to spam up chat with goddamned ref links and malware links. I dont give a fuck ** Matty123 has left the room ... bricio: nossa ** gdross has left the room ... bricio: . bricio: . bricio: . bricio: . cilebadrun: ah slow earn now TimeWalker: ffs :( TimeWalker: But I loved your Banhammer q_q ** oneinamillion has joined the room ... BTC ProTip: Score some coin and have some fun at http://www.rainingbitcoin.com samwap: wtf when all these thing happen oneinamillion: hostile sited