I did my church wedding and traditional marriage in November, 2009, then I was just 21 years old and my husband was 32 years. Everything was moving fine until 2010 when we became worried because i haven't even missed my period even once. The pressure became much with my husband calling me names.... I was working before I got married and he made me to quit my job because he wants me to stay at home so I can get pregnant even though my job wasn't stressful at all. He would leave home most times without giving me money for food but he will give his two siblings living with us some money so they can buy what ever they like.I had some savings while I was working so some times I will just withdrew some money and cook, he will come home and eat. Sometimes he will leave like 500 naira on the center table for me to prepare food. In July 2010, the nightmare began. The first time I had a problem with his brother that came to visit because he called me a barren woman, I won't lie, I was so angry that if not because he is a man, we would have had a fist fight even the two siblings living with me supported their brother. When my husband came home, they reported to him and for the first time, he beat the hell out of me. That was how the beating started with every slight provocation, he will beat me up and because of the insult the family was giving me, I had to start seeking for medical attention in other to conceive. He told he friends and family that i don't have womb and am possessed. I went to a gynaecologist in Victoria island, he requested for some test, both HSG, hormonal assay, scan etc and the result came out fine. My Husband refused to pay my hospital bills and I used my savings. When the doctor told me I was OK, I broke down in tears and begged him to give me any drugs that can help me, he only proscribed folic acid. Meanwhile my husband was dating any girl he can lay he hands on and he doesn't use protection because he wanted a child. One day on our way to church, he saw a girl while driving he said "kia if you touch this one once she will take in, not this wombless woman that I went and married". This problem continued through out the years. If i want to leave, he said he will fill a police report that i stole his 5millon naira.I was moving from one hospital to another until in 2015 when he infected me with Ghonorrah. He didn't want to go to hospital for semen test but when I explained to my doctor about this disease he ask me to lure him to his hospital. Well, we went to the hospital together lo and behold, he has only 1 million sperm with 0 motility. Apparently, all this while he knows he had low stuff be he just want me to suffer and waste money. He said a drop is enough to get me pregnant.Anyway, from that day the beating became worse. He became insecure. He said am possesed, he took me to mfm for dry fasting and deliverance. If i greet a man he will beat the hell out of me and claim that I want to get pregnant from outside. He will go through my phone when he comes back and he will beat me claiming that I have deleted my boyfriends number from call log. Sometimes after beating, I will pass out on the floor till morning and he will take me to hospital to be treated the following day. One day around September 2016, I went to the saloon to make my hair but didn't tell him because he was sleeping he looked for me and later found me in front of the saloon he beat me and push me inside a gutter. People gathered and he drove off. The following day while he was at work I ran away. I sent the picture of my bruises to parents and they ask him to come and collect his bride price. He hasn't come and am scared of filling for divorce because before I change my contact he always call to threaten me that he is going pour me acid any day he finds me. Well, right now, am in another state. Changed my contact and all, even my parents don't know my house but we speak every other day. I have been able to start up little roadside business and I thank God. I will not even consider to marry again. But I met a guy around January this year and he has been kind to me so last month after we went for a HIV and other test, We made love and to my greatest surprise I became PREGNANT!!! Just once oh. I was shocked. 5weeks pregnant already. The guy has been providing everything but the problem now is that he wants me to get a divorce and return the bride price so he can marry me. He is giving me serious pressure But for me, marriage is not for me again. Right now, am thinking of relocating again where he can't find me. I don't want him or any other man. But I want a child. Do I sound crazy?