It doesn't matter what colour, what race, God is no respecter of persons, he loves us just the way we are. When we're lead by the holy spirit we'd have favour in the sight of great men & women, everybody will identify us. It's one thing being anointed, it's another thing being anointed with power. The anointing is the presence of God, it's the supernatural power of God, the anointing is God with us. Not everyone carries the anointing, there are people who walk around & they make noise, but they don't carry the anointing. The anointing is life & this life is God, it's the endorsement of God. When somebody has the anointing they'd do things others can't do, they'd go where others can't go, they'd say what people can't say. The anointing is also healing power, it's the power of breakthroughs. The anointing is the manifestation of the glory of the Lord. The anointing is God himself. The anointing is the glow of God. When we have the anointing we know all things.... Our recognition will not come from man, man will fail us. Our God never fails. He is power, he is our everything, he is a healer, he is our all, he is our strong tower, every hour we need him. We are not moved by what we see, we are moved by what we hear, we are not moved by circumstances, we are not moved by anything. When the devil's done with us we will prosper, we will multiply, there's no weapon, no assignment that will stand against us that will prosper. The secret of knowing God is complete obedience to his will. The anointing is free it's not for sale... We need to put an end to the enemy, this nonsense must stop, "Devil you shall not have a hold on us" because we have the sword of the spirit, we use the word as a weapon against the enemy & bring down the devil's kingdom. We will not except anything of the enemy. "Devil enough is enough, under our feet is where you belong & where you're going to stay" Don't allow the enemy to bring one negative thought into our minds, don't give him a chance to bring discouragement, use the word of God & see victory will be ours...