This is the answer to a question in a different topic if you didn't see the question yet and you are still interested please stop here and go to the latest paste to find "Curiosity vs Fear" A. The curiosity was killing you and you decided to open the door. The man stumble in with blood dripping from his head. He said was driving in his car with his wife and they crashed trying to avoid a dear. He manged to get out but the wreck on his wife side was worst then his and she is stucked. There is a big cut on her leg and she is losing blood fast he begged for you to call for help. So you did, the firefighter and ambulance managed to save her, they said she would have died from blood lost. The husband and wife thank you and send you a card every year the day of the crash. You could have nevered imagine what could had happen if you didn't open the door. Too scared to know what may have happen, if you didn't open the door? If not go back and find out the alternative answer.