Sites are sorted by quality, from best to worst, within each category (I left out the shitty ones). All links are non-ref (except maybe one). Easy Money? Perk TV[1] , Swagbucks[2] (SBTV[3] , EntertaiNow[4] ,[5] ,[6] ), Bing Rewards[7] (Bot[8] ) Quick Money? Qmee[9] , InstaGC[10] , TapBooty[11] Earn Money? Mechanical Turk[12] , Clickworker UHRS[13] , Postloop[14] , WebAnswers[15] , SliceThePie[16] Get Paid To (GPT)? Swagbucks[17] , InstaGC[18] , GiftHulk[19] , CashCrate[20] , SuperPoints[21] Survey? Opinion Outpost[22] , Vindale Research[23] , Pinecone Research[24] , Paid Viewpoint[25] , SurveySavvy[26] Idle Computer? Slicify[27] , Gomez PEER Zone[28] , eBesucher[29] Idle Phone? Perk TV[30] , Swagbucks[31] (SBTV[32] , EntertaiNow[33] ,[34] ,[35] ), Bing Rewards[36] (Bot[37] ) Using a Phone? mPoints[38] , AppTrailers[39] , FeaturePoints[40] , SurveySavvy[41] (SavvyConnect[42] ), Peko[43] Special Skill? Fiverr[44] , InstaEDU[45] ,[46] , TranscribeME[47] , /r/SlaveLabour[48] Need Bitcoin/PayPal/Pesos? /r/giftcardexchange[49] Outside the US? Swagbucks[50] , Clickworker UHRS[51] , Postloop[52] , SliceThePie[53] , Clixsense[54] Under 18? Lie Not Enough? /r/WorkOnline[55] , Black Hat World[56] , Sell Body Parts[57]