how to meet really hot girls in college It's easier then it seems. Trust me I wasn't the smoothest guy in high school but all it took was a clichéd advice the first time I approached a girl and since then everything is history. U can try 2 routes. Either be co fident and just approach a girl without any pick up lines and bs. Just go up to her confidently and act like u already know she will give u the number. But don't over do it. Just tell her ur name, say u think she's cute/pretty and say can I get ur number so we can hangout sometime. Pull out ur phone before she gives u an answer. Secodn approach, which is really effective when the girl is in a happy mood. Go upto her and say the most cheesiest, funniest pick up line ever. I mean the most outrageous. She has to believe ur kidding, if for a second she thinks ur serious its game over. So once u get her to laugh, its easy, we shud hangout, get her number. Done.