Medicine calls it "Appendix Vermiformis meaning having the form of a worm " It is know to be a useless and irrelevant body , situated right at the end close to the cecum a portion of your large intestine . It has a unique name as a worm but we all know that worm may be small but very dangerous.When irritated or triggered it has the ability to hit you from 100 to zero . Appendicitis is the name given to it when this wormlike organ gets irritated and when you are not rushed to the Operating Room(O.R) in time can bring you a step closer to your maker . We spend so much drugs and money talking about hypertension and diabetes and how to stay young and look good , how to perform better and stay longer yet we rarely mention this gentleman .. Well today you are in luck .. Quickly lets educate ourselves and save yourself and friends WAYS TO AVOID GETTING YOUR APPENDIX IRRITATED 1.Diet : Watch what you eat very carefully , eating too much dry foods eg bread etc causes constipation which gives way for possible fecaliths (when you have hard stools that can maneuver into the appendix ). Take in lots of water regularly ideally 8 cups per day with slight exercise . 2. DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF , UNLESS FOR RELIGIOUS PURPOSES AND HOPEFULLY NOT FOR LONG : Starvation can lead to development of stomach ulcers and G.I.T disorder and therefore must be avoided if possible as not to irritate the appendix . 3. MONTHLY DEWORMING : It cost less money and saves you your life . Worms are very dangerous , they love to move around in your belly and left unchecked your appendix could be their next target .Make a point to deworm yourself dewormers like albendazol is a good choice and cost less .There are fake dewormers in the market so kindly watch where you purchase yours. 4. AVOID TOO MUCH SPICY FOODS : Food is esseencial for life yet , too much of everything is bad for health and can be the real cause of your medical conditons . Some cultures call it hallopinios , others hot pepper ,chilli .. spicy foods have the tendancy of irritating the bowels and causing loose stools but in doing so can irritate the appendix and leading to appendicitis so the next time you scooping the chilli watch it for yourself and family . 5.STAY ACTIVE , DRINK LOTS OF WATER AND THINK POSITIVE : Try not to fall sick , eat healthy , drink lots of water and vegetables . HELP YOUR BODY TO HELP YOU . Please share this to your friends and family and lets save someone's father , mother , sister ,brother or friend's life .