Some sad but a true story I want to share with the internet about my life. I am 19 years old I never had a girlfriend in my life I always feel alone like there's no one there standing right next to me when i fall down, I got kicked out of school out of anger issues ( My school teacher hit the girl that I had a crush on and I defended her after that she said that what I did was nice but lets stay friends) "friendzone level = expelled". I always hid my feelings, I never did cry even though I had pain in my heart ( tupac), I went with my entire childhood alone rarely going out with people. I became completely anti-social. I got re-friendzoned with a girl that I am still in love with right now and I saw her move away from my city with another guy and I simply smile to her and laugh in front of her just so she could see that I moved on. I live in Middle east ( hell ), I live in a town that is controlled by Hezbollah and I swear every month there's either a suicide bomber/planted car trying to assassinate anyone who is in Hezbollah, result is killing a lot of innocent people who were only trying to make living for their families. I have absolutely nothing in my life that is worth happiness, and now you guys there's another problem I got kicked out of my own house just because I live my life different from the other Muslim people, I am now considered a disloyal/dog/shame/etc...just because I want to live peacefully by my own rules. What a sad life.... Thanks for every person who read my message I never told this to anyone and to whom who cared about me and my life I am really great full.