Popular Diets: Vegetable Soup For Weight Loss: Lose Up To 5 Kg In A Week Action: weight loss, body cleansing Result: up to 5 kg per week Application: 7 days several times a year as needed It is necessary: ​​complete refusal of alcohol, strict observance of the diet menu The basis of the diet is a fat-burning soup, which must be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Or at least once a day. The more products in the diet you replace with this soup, the more effective your weight loss will be. The recipe for a miracle soup: 6 medium bulbs A few (to taste) tomatoes (can canned) 1 small head of cabbage 2 green peppers 1 bunch of celery 1 cube of vegetable broth In cold water, put sliced ​​wax and put on fire. Let it boil. Season with salt, pepper, boil over high heat for 10 minutes, then continue to cook on low heat until all the vegetables are soft. This soup should be for you and bread, and meat, and coffee and a sandwich. If you want a snack - eat a bowl of soup. It fills the stomach, giving a feeling of satiety, while there is very little calories in it. As drinking, mineral water, sweetened water, teas are recommended. It's impossible to eat with soup alone, so there are variations: The first day. Soup and fruit. Any fruit except bananas. Melons and watermelons have fewer calories than most other fruits. Eat only soup and fruit. Second day. Soup and vegetables. You can eat all the vegetables you want until you are satisfied. Raw, fresh or canned vegetables, leafy greens. Eat all this with soup. The third day. Soup, fruits and vegetables. Any fruit. Day four. Soup, fruits and vegetables and milk. Eat as much soup, fresh vegetables and fruits as you want, but no more than three bananas. You can have a glass of milk. Day five. Beef and tomatoes with soup. On the fifth day you can eat beef and tomatoes: 300 - 500 grams of beef and as many fresh tomatoes. Try to drink 6-8 glasses of water on this day. And, of course, soup. The sixth day. Beef and vegetables (especially leafy) plus soup. Beef and vegetables eat enough, how much the soul asks. Be sure to eat soup. Drink water. The seventh day. Brown rice, fruit juice, vegetables and soup. Today you can eat brown rice, unsweetened fruit juice and vegetables. You are full again. Be sure to eat soup. Rice can be added to the soup, or vegetables to add to the rice. You can cut onions or tomatoes, cauliflower. Drink water. Categorically prohibited: bread, alcohol, fizzy drinks, fried. Eat soup every time you start to feel hungry. Carefully remove all fat from the meat, and remove the skin from the bird. If you interrupted the diet, start it again from the first day. Good Luck!