If you want to get money from your paypal you must follow exactly. If you require further help after reading this tut you can contact me on paymenow@fastservice.com My service costs £25 per 30mins and there is a compulsary charge of £10 fee before any service begins. FOLLOW EXACTLY 1. Go to wix.com 2. Make any webpage, it can be about anything. 3. Go to apps 4. Add a Paypal Donation Button. 5. Set the Merchant I.D (this has to be the person you are sending money to, use thier E-Mail or Merchant I.D) 6. set the amount you want to send. 7. Publish the page 8. go to the web page and click the donation button. 9. Input the Paypal address of the account you receive the error in and click. 10. Finished. if i helped you out, please donate some BTC to 1Au8SwBg6wCtjq9bvkJhv2qAWk8n1GegBH Thanks