The heart of Roberta shot almost instantly. When she heard the word "envelope" it is out quickly under the sheets. But it was already too late. Vick was already the envelope content in hand and was now looking directly at redhead. - What is Vick? - Asked Mia. Vick was a player, she thought quickly on how best it would benefit her and responded quickly. - It must have been a trick of some of those idiots. It is a picture of a full chick disease - Lied Vick. - Yuck! Get it here I do not even want to see. These guys are jerks. - Mia said. - I'll throw away. - Vick said, putting the photo in the envelope and leaving the room. Vick left the room but this in no way diminished Roberta distress. On the one hand she hoped that what Vick had said was true. But a part of her knew that the blonde had said was not true. The Vick to look at the time you took the picture was not disgust, however. She had looked directly at Roberta. The redhead feared that his photo was now in possession of one of the people who hated her at that school. She did not hear a word of what Mia said as the same left the room. Roberta at that time only imagined what it would do to get out of this situation. Bored, Mia left the room and saw Michael walking down the aisle with her books in hand. She did not resist and approached the boy. - You know, this is the hallway where are the rooms of the girls do not know? - Asked Mia - I have not got used to this huge school. Now and then I end up losing me. - Said Miguel. - I think you came from the wrong schools had a runner. - Look if you want to be offending me I will not get to hear. - No!! Excuse. Because I was never good at it ... In this bid to pull conversation. - Mia said. - And because of all the people of the college, you want to strike up a conversation just me? - He asked Miguel. - Actually I just wanted to thank you. You came to me when I was sad. All this time in this school is very rare to see someone approaching a person just to ask how she is. - You do not have friends? - You'll quickly realize that in this school there is no such thing as friends. You choose one or two and start walking with them, but when you actually need, no one's on your side. Michael and Mia followed chatting and increasingly the boy felt he was meeting the girl. On the one hand he was celebrating the fact that his plan to be working and he was getting to approach Mia, on the other he began to feel a little sorry for the girl to hear those words. He saw enough solitude in the life of Mia, the same loneliness he felt since his father had died. Vick watched Mia distance himself from the room with Michael and took the opportunity to confront Roberta. She entered the room and locked the door. Roberta was still lying in bed, but to see Vick entered the room his heart raced. - Now we are only two of us. - Spoke Vick Vick sat on the bed Roberta corner and looked redhead who was under that duvet. - What you want? - Roberta stammered. - Um Nothing important.. Only praise you. I did not know that his side model. That picture showing her breasts, was great. Roberta put her hands to her face. "My God". His worst fear had come true. - So you know what I'm talking about. Interesting. - Vick spoke. - Vick, I know you do not like me, but for all that is sacred, you can not show this picture to anyone. It was the sect, they caught me and took this photo to strength and now they are blackmailing me. - He pleaded Roberta. - I do not care if it was the sect who took this picture of you, or if you just decided to show. And you're right, I do not like you, but I have no intention to show this photo to anyone. Roberta breathed calmly, but soon his tranquility was interrupted. - This course, if you cooperate. - Finished Vick. - What do you cooperate? - Roberta asked. - See, I might as well show this photo to Mia or anyone else that college. I could spread around, but I did not. But the picture is saved with me and at some point I'm going to ask a favor in return, and you will help me. - As well? What favour? - I do not know. I'll think of something. For now you should just focus on solving their problems with the sect. You must have done something to annoy them and you better fix it soon, because if they keep leaving their photos so the school will not be long until someone finds and spread to all students. Roberta knew what Vick was saying was true. She had obeyed all the rules of the sect so far. She had to find out what was wrong and correct or would be a matter of time until your photo fall in someone's hand, as he had now fallen on Vick. - Happy to talking terms. See you. - Vick spoke. - Vick, wait. You can not tell it to Mia. - Roberta spoke. - I do not intend to tell anyone. For a while... The blonde left unlocked the door and left the room. Roberta knew that he was now in the hands of another person, but as much as she hated to be on hand Vick, she knew she could deal with this problem later. Now it was time to get around the situation with the sect. Now she knew to stay hidden in the room would not do anything, on the contrary, she needed to find a way to contact the sect to find out what was wrong. She got out of bed and went to the mirror, combed his hair and once again looked in the drawers only to regret not having any more underwear. The redhead left the room and went to the basement where everything had begun. Unfortunately or fortunately, no one was there. She remembered the tickets that the sect had placed in his locker and went there. No sooner said than done. There was a new envelope inside. Following the strategy of last time, Roberta put the envelope in the middle of two books and closed the cabinet back to the room. She locked the door and sat on the bed, opening the envelope. There was a photo and a note. Initially Roberta thought it was just a copy of that picture of her showing her breasts, but soon she was surprised. This was a new photo. Poor quality, but Roberta knew very well who was a model in it. It was a picture on the board of a girl with her skirt lifted exposing the intimacy to the director. The quality the photo looked like a camera shot, but the angle clearly showed a girl raising her skirt and exposing the director, luckily you could not see the face of Roberta. She took the ticket still upset and began to read. "You were doing so well Roberta, because you had to break our rules. We clearly told you not to tell anyone about the sect and you went and tried to expose us to the director. Do you happen to think that we may discover? We have eyes and ears everywhere that school. But luckily we still want to play our game with you Roberta, but all games have punishments and rewards and you violated a rule and must be punished. From today you will no longer use any underwear. To make your life easier we burn all that were in his drawer, but that's not all. We want you from now do not use or panties or bra at all times, even when you are sleeping in your room. This will be the punishment for you have tried to denounce the director. So it's good that you look for any underwear signal its still there in the room, put in a bag and throw in the trash corridor, otherwise your photos will be sent in strategic places of the college and soon someone will discover about you. For now it's just, but do not think we ended up here. You know the rest of his punishment soon and your next task will be in the closet tomorrow morning, that is, if you decide to keep playing our game. " Roberta was speechless. She did not think that even the board was guarded by this sect. Only now she could have an idea of ​​the dimension control they had on this school and on it at that time. She also knew that there was only one way to prevent your picture from falling into the hands of someone and that was, according to sect. She took a bag in the drawer and went in search of any underwear she still had. There were not many, only that she had left drying. But then she remembered that there was one. The bra she was wearing. And as much as she hated, she had to put it in the bag. She now had no underwear. No bra and no panties. He closed the bag and walked to speed up the garbage hall, putting the bag there. She hoped that calm the sect. Then the redhead got rid of the ticket and the photo he had received, ripping and playing both in the vessel and then flushing. The night passed without problems and Roberta realized that what she had done, had worked. With this also came the decision of the redhead not disobey the sect. She needed to play their game, it was the only way to win. The redhead lay on the bed and slept, she knew that tomorrow would be a long day. She woke with the beats in the room, and she Vick and Mia also agreed. It was still early, classes only begin in one hour. Roberta was wearing a short lycra and a shirt with nothing underneath, the way that the sect had sent. She heard the knock on the door and someone now called his name on the outside. Still grog, she went to answer the door. It was Gaston. - The director needs to speak with you urgently. Wear school uniform and go to the board as soon as possible. - Spoke Gaston. - It can not wait. It is too early. - Roberta said. - If he could, he had not sent me here at this time. Now go. - Spoke Gaston. - It's all right. I'll take a shower, get changed and I will go. - You have 20 minutes - snapped Gaston. Mia and Vick had gone back to sleep and Roberta still a little lost, took his uniform and went to the bathroom to take a bath. She took the bath and while still getting ready Gaston returned to knock on the door, calling his name. Mia became very angry and shouted at her to go meet soon. The redhead who was combing her hair, did. - Just 5 minutes - Shouted Roberta. - Hurry up. This is not a beauty contest. - Spoke Gaston. Even angry, Roberta obeyed and finished getting ready. She was only wearing the uniform skirt and blouse. There was no bra or panties. She left the room and Gaston followed her to the principal's office. It was so early that neither the desk was still there. Gaston knocked on the door, and the director told Roberta entered, dispensing Gaston. - Lock the door. - He spoke to the director. Roberta obeyed, turning the key. Serious air director made it clear that it was not good. Then he told Roberta sit, to which she readily obeyed. He opened the drawer and pulled out an envelope, and the heart of Roberta froze in time. It was an envelope format even those she received with photos and tasks of the sect. - For your face, you know very well what this is about - Said the director. - Sir, I can explain. - It's no use. You were right, there really is a sect in this school, and I was stupid to ignore the warnings I received from students. And that's why my career will be ruined. From the moment you entered this school, I knew you would only cause me problems, but I took you out of respect for his father and now I will pay for it. He shook the envelope to Roberta. I had the same picture she had received yesterday. His hands were trembling. The director now knew everything. - They put a camera here, and I had no idea. And now they are blackmailing me. Apparently I'm part of their punishment. - Co ... How so? - Roberta stammered. - They sent me a note saying that I had two choices. Uttering a daily punishment to you, or have leaked this photo, which logically would end my career. - What it was ... What was the punishment? - He asked Roberta. - Does not matter. I can not do that to a student. I'll call my lawyer and I will resign as director. All this scandal will end my career and unfortunately I'm not able to do anything. It's time to end this sect, even for that all the secrets of this school need exposed. Roberta shivered. She could not let that happen. - Sir, please you can not. If they loose these pictures my life will become hell. I'll be exposed pro everyone. What is the punishment, please tell. - They want me to take two daily beatings in you until the time you complete their tasks. They are sick, I can not do that. - As well, beatings? - In your ... in your ass. They want me to spank your ass twice a day. Before school and after curfew. I can not do it. Roberta had already shocked us so often last days, she was no longer surprised by anything. She had to work around this situation. - I accept. You'll have to do it. Are only 15 days, then everything will be finished. - Roberta said. - You can not be serious. - I'm. - He concluded Roberta. The director did not say anything. - Look after those 15 days I'll recover those photos and then I can give a way out of this school, and what you do after that will not interest me. I only ask you not to do anything until I get back those photos. Please. - Do you realize what this asking me? You're asking me to surre your ass twice a day. You will agree with that? - He asked the interested director. - Yes. - Said Roberta. - Then fine. I'll do it for you, but after you recover the pictures, I'll take my providences. - Since you do not involve me, you can take the steps you want. The two have agreed and Robert walked to the director's chair, dying of shame to be putting yourself in that position. The director took a paddle drawer along with a note. - They left a kind of script. The things they want me to talk. They are still watching everything. - Said the director. Roberta swallowed dry. The camera was still there and the sect was watching everything. It was not just the director who would see her humiliation. And the worst is that she had no idea how many people could be seeing this. ? She had no idea of ​​the size of the sect, but already knew the power of his reach. The director asked Roberta leaned on the table and she did so, raising her skirt up, exposing her white ass to the director. He rose from his chair, and even before Roberta could prepare, she heard the sound of the piece of wood on contact with the skin on the left side of your ass, and immediately she felt the pain of spanking. - Here they say they are only 10 slaps the first time, but they send me grow 5 slaps a day until further notice. - He spoke to the director. Roberta was still writhing in the pain of the first spanking. The director was not relieved and his skin burned already. - In their script, they send me to talk dirty things and says you have to enter the game as well. Are you sure you want to continue with this? I do not think it's right. - He spoke to the director. Roberta just nodded and asked for him to continue. The director did what he was told and began to speak the things that were in the script. - You have been a very bad girl. Walking around without underwear showing her pussy to all school men. You do not have shame. - He said as his fist down with another slap on the ass Roberta, this time on the right side. The pain was still higher than the first, although the flap had had almost the same strength. Roberta bit her lower lip and twisted his head. - You need to talk too. And what they said. - He spoke to the director. Roberta even in pain followed what she was supposed to do. - I deserve this. I have been a very bad girl. - And the redhead and the director has applied another spanking on her ass. The director already had a visible volume in his pants, but Roberta had not paid attention to it. In fact she was so ashamed and pain, she could only look forward, and not want to face the director that humiliating situation. - You need to learn some manners. This is a school elite.- said the director down two slaps on the ass then the girl. Roberta let a moan escaped from her mouth, her butt was burning. - Chief ... You're ... right. I need to learn the lesson. - Roberta spoke with an almost hoarse voice. Director followed by distributing the remaining slaps until he had fulfilled the task and applied the punishment of 10 Slapping Roberta. - He - said the director. Roberta, teary eyes, raised his body still unable to meet the director, and straightened her skirt. The touch skirt fabric on your skin, was enough for her to let out a small moan escape from his mouth. - I'm sorry Roberta ... I do not want to have to do this. You do not need to do this, we can still fix this. - He spoke to the director, who had now sitting in the chair to hide his erection of the red. - Not alright. You just did what you had to do. One thing I learned from the sect, is that they do not leave us much choice. Classes will start soon. I'll be back here at the end of the day. - The redhead said with a look almost hopeless and weak voice, as he walked to the exit. The redhead unlocked the door and left the board trying to recover as best as possible while your ass still burned with the beating had taken little. The director waited the redhead out, looked toward the camera he knew exactly where he was hiding and began to speak. - She fell like a duckling. You guys did a great job, it will not take long for her to be completely tamed. - The director spoke to the camera. In Room 3 Bianca was still asleep, not aware of what would happen in the next few minutes. Gradually his body began to wake up with a stranger touch, and when his eyes began to open up, she almost screamed in fright, seeing sun sitting on her bed. The blonde was only wearing a halter top and panties, and was one of the hands on the breasts of Bianca and the other touching his own intimacy. - Good day, flower - whispered Sol. Bianca almost jumped out of bed to come across the situation. - The ... What are you doing? - Bianca asked, still sleepy. - You owed me one, and it's time for me to charge my favor Bianca darling. Or do not you remember that you said you would do whatever I wanted. Well, I'm missing his little mouth in my pussy and I do not think I can wait until the break. So I want you to make me come, and you better be very efficient and fast, as the Lola can wake up at any moment, and I do not think you want your little friend discover this side. - Sun spoke. Still groggy, Bianca received all that information at once. At first she still tried to challenge and practically begged to sun does not force her to do this, but to no avail and the brunette soon realized he was just wasting time with it. Bianca got up from the bed, and Sun lay there. Bianca quietly stepped between the legs of the blonde and pulled her panties to her knees. Wasting no time, Bianca took his mouth to the intimacy of the Sun and began working his tongue the way the blonde liked. Bianca wanted to take Sol as soon as possible to orgasm, not wanting to risk in any way that Lola discovered what she was doing. She was concerned about the situation and Sun wanted to make sure that things only got worse for her. - I want it to be good for you too. Use your hands to masturbate. - Said the blonde. Bianca decided not to contest and put a hand inside the shorts she was wearing and started to play while sucking pussy sun. The brunette had some difficulty to perform both tasks because the bed was small, and to complete it was nervous about the possibility of Lola wake up at any time and busted the two in that situation. Sun in turn amused as ever. Bianca always did a good job with the language which made her very excited, and the whole situation of control and domination apimentavam further the situation. The blonde held the sheet close to his mouth and let out some barely audible groans, but still worried Bianca, who feared that Lola woke up. And then the fear of the dark proved justified because while there, crammed into the four-bed, one hand in the short playing his intimacy and his face buried in pussy "friend," Bianca heard a voice behind her. "What's going on here?" PS: If you are enjoying, comment.