OneCoin Review – The Company OneCoin is the brain child of Dr. Ruja Ignatova who launched the company around July of 2014… I found out that their domain was registered on June 23rd of 2014 and it is set to private (So I can’t find any more info on it). The website itself is actually hosted out of Bulgaria and the headquartered in Europe and worldwide operations. Their core market focus is South East Asia countries, Europe, India and Africa. There used to be a president of this company named Nigel Allan, but was terminated for some reason… Not sure exactly what he did, but here is the legal letter: Dear Members, Please be aware that due to breach of OneCoin business policy, Mr. Nigel Allan effective from 01 of January 2015 is no longer acting as a President of OneCoin. With respect to the above, please be informed that , Mr Nigel Allan as of Tuesday 24 February 2015 is officially terminated from developing or promoting any network position with OneCoin. Given the above we hereby kindly ask all members to be careful when conducting communication with Mr. Allan. Truly yours OneCoin – Legal and Compliance Best Regards, Irina And then shortly after the founder Dr. Ruja posted this: Dear Members, I would like to add some personal words to the announcement above. Nigel has betrayed my trust, proven to be illoyal and living up to his online reputation. Therefore I have decided that he has to leave the company immediately and has no place in the OneCoin network. After his track record I assume it will be very difficult for him to find a new project. Yours truly, Dr. Ruja