Now I just sit and do nothing and it's literally nothing. I've thought and experienced away a good amount of the foundation of a sense of a self and that falling away took with it most every thought or emotion or anything else. All I'm left with now is just being where ever I am, there's nothing to do. It's not necessarily boring, I don't feel boredom anymore, but it's not exciting either and it's not bad, its nothing but even that doesn't seem to capture it. My question though is is all this normal and also can it be stepped out of somehow? Is there a way to get into a more 'intense aware' state again? I'm intensely aware now, but all there is to be aware of is whatever i'm seeing and hearing and smelling and such. Without my thoughts or emotions it's all very mundane. Not much reason to be any other way but things do just fine without being seen or heard, and plenty of other things out there are doing a fine job of that already regardless. Basically is there a way to get back to the liveliness and just plain out stuff to do that duality offers without much of a reference point/sense of self? Can you unsee your lack of self? or would that even be necessary? am i stuck like this?