The calls came from Pulse nightclub's bathrooms, attic, dressing room and office. People reported being shot in the arm, shoulder, leg, chest, stomach, according to the police log. One victim shot in the leg and rib was said to be "losing a lot of blood." Another note described someone in a bathroom whispering, "Please help." Nearly an hour into the rampage, a caller to the police emergency number told a dispatcher that Mateen was saying he was a terrorist and claimed to have bombs strapped to his body, according to the notes. The claim that he had bombs turned out to be false, but it convinced police to breach the rear wall of the bathrooms and confront the gunman. At 5:15 a.m., the incident log included another two-word note: "Subject down." The city of Orlando has not released audio recordings of the 911 calls or any video recorded by police cameras at the shooting scene. Several media organizations filed a lawsuit last week to force the release of that information.