Bio for insta in punjabi => There are many other quotes from different people that can work for you. You can also use hashtags in your posts to support a cause or event. Being a girl is not easy; you have to deal with the seven shades of pink you never even heard of. When I went to school I was so smart my teacher was in my class for five years. She has made more than 310,000 followers on Instagram and 220,000 subscribers on her youtube channel. Do not want to be sun for anyone. Others like attitude and Swag. Expensive life on earth… but it includes free trip of sun. No comments for my best profile pic. So people would post updates on who they stalk. Maybe, they are supposed to be there. You please need but not greed. Always love life all days. I stopped fighting my inner demons because now we are on the same side! How To Center Bio Instagram - However, people desire to follow cool people. Instructions to Center Bio 1. Copy the spaces between the bars and arrows below. Do not copy the bars. These are special spacers that you can only get from this page. Edit your bio and paste the spaces before anything you want centered. Now your bio should be centered like this. On the computer: Go to and login. Under the Bio section edit your bio. The spaces will look like dots but it will show up as a space on your phone. On your phone: Go to your profile. Tap on 'Edit Your Profile' on top. Edit the text next to the big 'i' on the left side.