Few would disagree that autonomous driving is the future of ground-based transportation; it’s all just a matter of how quickly we get there and who develops the technology. Automakers and pure tech companies are leading the charge but they’re not the only ones that would benefit from developing in-house self-driving solutions. Ride-hailing outfits are smart enough to realize that their future success hinges squarely on their ability to eliminate human drivers from their business model. Finding the best way to achieve that goal is key. Partnering with an existing automaker or technology firm with advanced knowledge of autonomous driving systems seems like the safest and least expensive route – at least, in the short-term. Ideally, a company like Lyft would love to craft its own self-driving solution (not having to pay a third-party for driving tech would mean more money stays at home) but the time and cost involved in doing so is monumental.